CoyoteMoonFangs (9:14:42 PM): Annoncer Man: Welcome to the last fight of the 3rd round of the Tournament of the Oracle! CoyoteMoonFangs (9:15:02 PM): *the gate opens up in front of you* ravenlunnatic (9:15:11 PM): oh joy... ravenlunnatic (9:15:19 PM): *flies in* CoyoteMoonFangs (9:16:05 PM): AM- Coming in is the one and only Ravenlunnatic! CoyoteMoonFangs (9:16:15 PM): *crowd roars* CoyoteMoonFangs (9:18:29 PM): *gate opens across from you and Doe walks in gracefully, like every step she takes has true meaning as she sets her foot down, then flicks the foot up like it's nothing as she lifts it up again* ravenlunnatic (9:19:10 PM): *just watches* CoyoteMoonFangs (9:21:28 PM): AM- And now a real show-woman, the beautiful and talented DOE! *Doe crosses her arms across her chest, then raises them both above her head in a quick and smooth manner* CoyoteMoonFangs (9:22:13 PM): *the crowd roars, and a few cries of "marry me DOE" are heard* ravenlunnatic (9:22:45 PM): *giggles* CoyoteMoonFangs (9:23:07 PM): Doe- Above all, let's give them a show, shall we RL? ravenlunnatic (9:23:21 PM): sure... CoyoteMoonFangs (9:24:10 PM): AM- Then let's fight! Try not to kill yourselves! ravenlunnatic (9:24:57 PM): *still observing* CoyoteMoonFangs (9:26:18 PM): *Doe, the already tall woman stands on the front pads of her feet and raises her arms above her head, making herself seem twice as tall* CoyoteMoonFangs (9:28:51 PM): *separating her fingers, she slowly leads her right arm palm first down and across her chest, then repeats with her left* CoyoteMoonFangs (9:30:07 PM): *she leans forward and brings her left leg behind her, into the air* ravenlunnatic (9:31:00 PM): *watches* CoyoteMoonFangs (9:32:43 PM): *suddenly, she snaps the leg back in and springs her arms into the air* WIND WEB! CoyoteMoonFangs (9:33:04 PM): *you feel a net around your body* ravenlunnatic (9:33:23 PM): uh oh ravenlunnatic (9:33:40 PM): *uses amulet* Web dissolve! CoyoteMoonFangs (9:34:05 PM): *it fails* CoyoteMoonFangs (9:34:13 PM): Doe: It's not a web CoyoteMoonFangs (9:34:33 PM): Doe: Choose your words carefully ravenlunnatic (9:34:37 PM): ah ravenlunnatic (9:34:38 PM): right ravenlunnatic (9:34:56 PM): *uses amulet* Wind begone! CoyoteMoonFangs (9:35:22 PM): *you find yourself unable to breathe* CoyoteMoonFangs (9:35:41 PM): Doe: You're not thinking very carefully. ravenlunnatic (9:36:03 PM): *uses amulet to summon small breeze* CoyoteMoonFangs (9:36:19 PM): *Doe begins to spin around, getting faster and faster* CoyoteMoonFangs (9:36:41 PM): *you can breath again* CoyoteMoonFangs (9:46:34 PM): *her cloak blows out around her body like a circle* CoyoteMoonFangs (9:46:38 PM): *you see the ground beneath her get dark with dampness, and water begins to creep up her moving legs* ravenlunnatic (9:47:47 PM): *uses amulet to sense what the web is* CoyoteMoonFangs (9:48:18 PM): (it's water) CoyoteMoonFangs (9:50:33 PM): *the water rises and spreads to her fingers, then extends a foot longer then then* CoyoteMoonFangs (9:50:37 PM): *them ravenlunnatic (9:51:35 PM): grrr... CoyoteMoonFangs (9:51:39 PM): *strands of water separate, and soon it looks like she has 8 additional arms* ravenlunnatic (9:51:42 PM): stupid connection CoyoteMoonFangs (9:51:55 PM): (what do you mean?) CoyoteMoonFangs (9:53:30 PM): *she slows to a stop from her spinning, but the water keeps on spining just as fast* "Water Wheel," Doe whispers. CoyoteMoonFangs (9:55:57 PM): (are you not getting sentences, or do they just get there really slow?) ravenlunnatic (9:56:28 PM): I got disconnected from the internet, and then got back on again CoyoteMoonFangs (9:57:00 PM): (what was the last thing you saw?) ravenlunnatic (9:58:15 PM): *she slows to a stop from her spinning, but the water keeps on spining just as fast* "Water Wheel," Doe whispers. CoyoteMoonFangs (9:58:44 PM): (before you got logged off) ravenlunnatic (9:59:35 PM): I wasn't logged off- the internet connection got shut off, but I could still see the chat room CoyoteMoonFangs (9:59:58 PM): (so you're still caught up?) ravenlunnatic (10:02:04 PM): yup ravenlunnatic (10:02:41 PM): *uses amulet to manipulate water to turn on Doe CoyoteMoonFangs (10:02:43 PM): *Doe stands there, her wheel spinning around her* ravenlunnatic (10:02:47 PM): * CoyoteMoonFangs (10:03:54 PM): *you see the water flicker for a second, but then it just speeds up* CoyoteMoonFangs (10:04:54 PM): Doe- That's a nice try, but your will isn't strong enough to sick my water on me. CoyoteMoonFangs (10:06:08 PM): Doe- *strolls toward you, like how she walked in the ring* What gets rid of water, naturally? ravenlunnatic (10:08:30 PM): *uses amulet to summon up a gigantic sponge* CoyoteMoonFangs (10:11:10 PM): *Doe moves close enough so the water lashes at you, but as each strand hits the sponge absorbs it* CoyoteMoonFangs (10:12:04 PM): *when the water is all gone, Doe backflips away* CoyoteMoonFangs (10:13:03 PM): *a kunai knife (ninja tool) lands next to Doe's foot, and she looks up at a CoyoteMoonFangs (10:17:11 PM): (I'm sorry, now my internet died) CoyoteMoonFangs (10:17:21 PM): (what was the last thing you saw) ravenlunnatic (10:18:24 PM): water gone and Doe back flips away CoyoteMoonFangs (10:19:05 PM): *a kunai knife (ninja tool) lands next to Doe's foot, and she looks up at an annoyed Stella in the audience* ravenlunnatic (10:19:20 PM): *observes* CoyoteMoonFangs (10:19:48 PM): Doe- I know Stella, you want me to win this, not to teach. CoyoteMoonFangs (10:21:13 PM): Doe- *turns to RL* She's just going to have to be patient with me. ravenlunnatic (10:21:39 PM): patience is always a good thing CoyoteMoonFangs (10:22:36 PM): *Doe leans back untill her hands are touching the ground behind her, in an arch* CoyoteMoonFangs (10:24:35 PM): *she momentarily lifts her hands up in an act of balance, then plunges both of them into the ground, kicking her feet into the air in the process* CoyoteMoonFangs (10:25:16 PM): *the crowd ooohs and awes over her handstand* ravenlunnatic (10:26:30 PM): *ooos and aaaaaaas* CoyoteMoonFangs (10:27:21 PM): *she then flips back onto her feet, bringing large pieces of earth with her* CoyoteMoonFangs (10:29:42 PM): *she spins around to face you, while sliding the two pieces of earth together. At the end of her slide, they're formed into two double-sided short spears* Earth Edge! CoyoteMoonFangs (10:31:38 PM): *she slides forward and slices at you* ravenlunnatic (10:31:58 PM): *uses amulet to form a strong shield around her* CoyoteMoonFangs (10:33:16 PM): *you feel a slight shock, magick backlash!* CoyoteMoonFangs (10:33:47 PM): *luckily, Doe misses you* ravenlunnatic (10:34:23 PM): hmmm... ravenlunnatic (10:35:09 PM): *uses amulet to conjure up a strong gust of snow and aims it at Doe* CoyoteMoonFangs (10:35:26 PM): Doe- You're a slippery sort. What was that shield made of, anyway? CoyoteMoonFangs (10:37:01 PM): *Doe raises her hands in the air and gets wet from the snow* ravenlunnatic (10:37:09 PM): the shield was made of very strong feathers CoyoteMoonFangs (10:38:30 PM): (did you let your GM know this? Noo. Doesn't matter, anyway, because you failed the dice roll on the shield) CoyoteMoonFangs (10:39:24 PM): Doe- What's with the snow, anyway? It's very cold. ravenlunnatic (10:40:01 PM): it's all part of a good show, right? CoyoteMoonFangs (10:40:08 PM): Remind me of when I fell in a river and Stella had to fish me out. CoyoteMoonFangs (10:40:21 PM): *smiles* Right! ravenlunnatic (10:40:21 PM): sorry about that ravenlunnatic (10:40:48 PM): I can try for some cool fireworks CoyoteMoonFangs (10:41:13 PM): *you smell something burning around Stella* CoyoteMoonFangs (10:43:02 PM): Doe- I remember fireworks! Not very good for a fight, but they do make excellent distractions! I remember once in the desert the whole Glory thought there was a stampede when I set some off by accident CoyoteMoonFangs (10:43:21 PM): nearly caused a stampede myself ravenlunnatic (10:43:43 PM): *uses amulet to summon fireworks away from where Stella and Doe are* ravenlunnatic (10:43:55 PM): (is Stella on fire?) CoyoteMoonFangs (10:45:22 PM): Me, Stella, and our entire desert tribe had to take cover in the Temple- and quickly! CoyoteMoonFangs (10:46:01 PM): (Some of the Healers are wondering where the stacks of fireworks came from) CoyoteMoonFangs (10:46:22 PM): (ask her yourself) ravenlunnatic (10:46:46 PM): ummm... excuse me, Miss Stella? ravenlunnatic (10:46:48 PM): are you ok? CoyoteMoonFangs (10:47:07 PM): (whoops!) CoyoteMoonFangs (10:47:34 PM): (I meant something smelled like it was burning around Doe) CoyoteMoonFangs (10:47:46 PM): (I'll pretend you asked her) CoyoteMoonFangs (10:49:22 PM): Doe: I guess I am a little homesick, but the tribe is really more of Stella's home then mine.. CoyoteMoonFangs (10:49:36 PM): Doe: Why do you ask? ravenlunnatic (10:50:26 PM): no reason- just curious ravenlunnatic (10:50:54 PM): so what do you consider home then, if you don't mind my asking? CoyoteMoonFangs (10:50:56 PM): *Doe starts waving her hips back and forth* CoyoteMoonFangs (10:52:43 PM): Oh, the White Desert, of course. But it's hard to have a home without family, and all I really have is Stella and the Glory. I don't really belong in Stella's tribe. CoyoteMoonFangs (10:54:38 PM): *Doe continues waving her hips, moves her arms slowly in a big arch and crosses them from behind her head* CoyoteMoonFangs (10:54:57 PM): *them behind her head* ravenlunnatic (10:56:10 PM): *uses amulet to to form a shell of water around herself* ravenlunnatic (10:56:32 PM): (heads up- am going to have to sign off before midnight) CoyoteMoonFangs (10:57:18 PM): (okay) CoyoteMoonFangs (11:00:01 PM): You second-guessed me, I see. Smart! *quickly brings arms down in an arch* Fire Field! *a sphere of fire surrounds Doe* CoyoteMoonFangs (11:00:23 PM): Let's see who's is stronger! *runs at RL* ravenlunnatic (11:00:46 PM): uh oh ravenlunnatic (11:01:01 PM): *flies up a little ways* ravenlunnatic (11:01:14 PM): I'm not good with collisions, you know CoyoteMoonFangs (11:02:17 PM): *Doe leaps into the air after you, both spells hit and dissolve each other* ravenlunnatic (11:02:45 PM): that was fun, wasn't it? CoyoteMoonFangs (11:02:49 PM): *the steam makes it hard to see* ravenlunnatic (11:03:01 PM): *flies up trying to get away from the steam* CoyoteMoonFangs (11:04:07 PM): *Doe lands on the ground* Yeah, but it would be more fun if you came where I could see you. ravenlunnatic (11:04:43 PM): trur ravenlunnatic (11:04:46 PM): *true ravenlunnatic (11:05:01 PM): *uses amulet to get rid of steam* CoyoteMoonFangs (11:05:15 PM): (how?) CoyoteMoonFangs (11:06:55 PM): (blows it away with the wind? using more heat to evaporate it quicker?) ravenlunnatic (11:08:14 PM): *blows it away with the wind* CoyoteMoonFangs (11:08:27 PM): (k) CoyoteMoonFangs (11:09:39 PM): *Doe is standing on the ground with her two earth edges looking up at you* Too bad you didn't use the steam to your advantage! *tosses the spears at you, both of which nick you* ravenlunnatic (11:10:08 PM): ok, now that was just not nice ravenlunnatic (11:10:15 PM): *uses amulet to heal herself* CoyoteMoonFangs (11:11:05 PM): *successful healing, since I didn't tell you where you where hit and it was a success role* ravenlunnatic (11:11:38 PM): uses amulet to summon a multitude of daggers of rain and throws them at Doe CoyoteMoonFangs (11:12:27 PM): (so, the rain is sharp, or lots of daggers fall from the sky? CoyoteMoonFangs (11:12:29 PM): ) ravenlunnatic (11:12:41 PM): the former CoyoteMoonFangs (11:13:51 PM): *Doe takes serveral hits before she raises her fire field again and evaporates the water* CoyoteMoonFangs (11:14:06 PM): Ow.. CoyoteMoonFangs (11:14:29 PM): I... CoyoteMoonFangs (11:15:23 PM): *the fire field dissapears, and Doe fails down in a pool of her own blood* CoyoteMoonFangs (11:15:51 PM): *Stella jumps away and is gone without a word* CoyoteMoonFangs (11:16:07 PM): AM- .... And the winner is RL! ravenlunnatic (11:16:21 PM): *uses amulet to heal Doe* ravenlunnatic (11:16:30 PM): (as best as possible) CoyoteMoonFangs (11:17:04 PM): *the audience claps, although there are mixes of noos and my DOE! in the audiences* CoyoteMoonFangs (11:17:34 PM): (your magick is used up, the healer team runs into the arena) CoyoteMoonFangs (11:18:25 PM): *they put her on a stretcher* Healer: We've got her, don't worry ravenlunnatic (11:19:47 PM): let me know how she's doing? CoyoteMoonFangs (11:20:37 PM): *one healer places a piece of cheese in front of you* This should replace your energy ravenlunnatic (11:20:45 PM): cheese! ravenlunnatic (11:20:50 PM): thank you!! CoyoteMoonFangs (11:21:39 PM): (better hope LC or Cith don't try to make you sing) CoyoteMoonFangs (11:22:50 PM): Healer 2: Of course we'll let you know. She'll be right as rain after a little rest.