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WWW Akasha

Technology Timeline
A list of some technology put into a timeline. There is a lot more to add, so this section may never be finished.

Trivia Game
A simple trivia game using jQuery buttons to show the answers.

Computer Networks Explained
A brief explanation of typical networks and how they work.

PC Hardware Explained
A brief explanation of some common hardware, from my notes while studing for the A+ exam.

GNU/Linux/UNIX commands & web sites
GNU/Linux is a free, public domain, operating system. It's similar in style to UNIX. I've made a list of some Linux commands here.

Programming Languages
A list of some programming languages and some of their related terms and technologies.

A list of HTML and XHTML tags and examples.

Perl Commands & Python Commands
My Perl and Python notes. These notes are for my own memory, and are not intended to be a tutor, but they give links to sites with good tutors.

MySQL Commands
MySQL is an public domain relational database management system (RDBMS). This is a list of a few MySQL commands, notes, and tips.

My first PC
The Amiga500 was my first PC. The first Amiga also happens to be the world's first multi-media PC. You can learn more about it here.

My first computer
The Amiga was my first PC, but this item was my first computer.