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You're the hottest, smartest, coolest, most kick-ass kawaii person
I have ever seen!!!!!! I worship the ground you walk on, which is
pretty good for the Queen of the Silver Millenium. Everything about you
is just PERFECT!!!!!!!! I love you Dilandau-sama!!!!!! -Queen Serenity

Nice choice of color on the guymelef of yours. -Lou

You are pretty fine sir. You should get a bigger sword to go with
that gigantic flame throwing Alseides. You should also run around half
naked more often. Improves the morale of the soldiers. hehehe -Katie

Burn Baby Burn -Atropos

Anata wa kawaii desu ne! -Lilly

I am honored to serve such a great warrior. -Kage

I love Gatti I love Gatti I love Gatti!!!!! hahahaha *slap...owwwww....I was
kidding Dilandau-sama! I love you most of all of course...and I love Syrena's
page too. Dilandau:"Good good...but please go back to talking about me.... "
Dilly pickle:"Well, I like you in bed, I like you out of bed, I like you at war,
I like you at war in the bathroom *wink...I like...ahhh, anyway, I love your holy gracious self...
do I get the love you award now?" Dilandau:"Fool, You get this...*slap...owww. Anyway,
Syrena great page and you did a great job on your page!!!!!! -Dilly Pickle

Only a are everything. All those silly questions up there weren't
necessary. You needn't ask me those anymore. Cuz u know I like everything about
you and hate everrthing about Van. *smile* I love how you set people on fire...
especially me figuratively speaking. *wink* -Dilandra

I think what I like most about you (and this wasn't an option on the pulldown) is
actually the same quality I admire, fear in my cat. That you so totally ENJOY being bad.
Qualms are for wimps. Let's burn something. Right Then there. Um, your considerable elegance
when *not* screaming and thrashing... your ability to throw a knife through a wine bottle...
Well,it's the whole package. You may be pleased to know that I'm planning to create my own
little shrine to you. And if you're displeased, well, I'll have to start carrying a fire
extinguisher everywhere. Love you -Sarah Dove

MOEROOOOOOO!!!!! Oh, and thanks for the praise on my Jeopardy sketch. -Greg

:::Kneels, his dark hair shrouding his eyes::: oh, Dilandou-sama, I wish to
serve you eternally. My wish is that you find pleasure in me, and my
company. I dedicate my bishounen body, mind, and services to you, and will
do whatever you wish me to do. I care for you deeply, and I fear, that in my
obsessions and worship, I have fallen in love with you, oh mysteriously
wonderous one. How may I please your countenence? -Jerrimi

::whispering full of respect:: Um...m...M...Master Dilandau... Since I heard
of what has happened on Gaea, I honour and praise you. I put my unworthy fate in your
generous hands. You are the one and only who understands...Please let me become one of
thy majesty's dragonslayers. Oh, and sir that scar on your face makes you even look more
noble..let's say unique... -Bjoern

Purty.... -Missy

Kill Van. Torture slowly and make him watch while you kill
Hitomi. HA HA HA HA HA HA. Dilandau I love you. Kawaii kawaii kawaii. -Emily

Hehehe Kill that little boy Van then wrap him in flames until he
screams for mercy and then do it over and over again. Hehehahaha.
*pant pant* Then kill the rest. Cover them with flames. Cover
the WORLD in flames. You are the living flame. Burn baby burn.
Swallow and feed until nothing is left. Oh, and then great Dilandau-sama,
hehehe you will be the ultimate being like you deserve. *gasp pant* Then you
can slap anyone you please and little Folken won't be there to TRY and stop you.
NOTHING will stand in your way. Oh, great one of almighty wisdom in madness and
you can dispense justice as your divine whim sees fit. *insane worshipful laughter* -Samuel Gross

I like cheese too. -Gal

*Ahem* Theeeey asked me how I kneeeeew.. My true love was truuuuuuuue
of course replied..Something here inside Cannot be deniiiied!
They said Someday you'll find..All who love are bliiiiind..When you're heart's
on FIRE You must realize..SMOKE gets in your eeeeeeyes!! So I chaffed Them and
I gaily laughed..To think they could doubt my looooove..Yet today My love has
flown away. I am without my loooooove..Now laughing friends deriiiiide..
Tears I cannot hiiiiiiiiiiiide..So I smile and saay..When a LOVELY FLAME dies
Smoke gets in your eeeeeeyeeeeeeeeeeees! *choke sob* -Chibi

AI! You are soooooo Dilly-cious, Dilandau-Sama!
::licking her lips:: I just love your aggressive and
obessive and psychotic and demonic ways! Mwa ha ha...
I'm not insane though. Hee hee hee...MOERO! Ha ha ha...CHIKU!
DILANDAU-SAMA! You're the only boy for me ::blows kisses:: I just love it
when you slap and flame me! To me...they're kisses! ^_~ -Lady Alseides

The way you move attracts me. It fills me with flaming desire. And yet I could never
hold you.. My heart would be on fire!

The absolute jaw dropping highlight of all of Escaflowne is when
it is revealed that you are Allen's sister. I'm still
flabberghasted! You made the whole movie! You're the best
villian that I love to hate. And what's worse, I grew
to hate to love you!! -Becky

You are my lord and master! -Varsha

Master Dilandau? Um... I think that you're the
coolest, most impessive, (and if I might add,the hottest) character
in any anime series, no, any series at all! But, when I see
that flashback where you'e stapped to a stone slab, I just
melt, and I say to myself over and over "My Poor Master!"
But, the reasons I like you are, you don't put up with failure
just like me, you don't give up, you're very handsome and in
your own way charming, and you have the cutest smile,
oh, and you're intelligent. Did I mention that you're hot?
(blows a kiss) -Your Faithful Servant: Firefrost

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