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Princess Sarah's Castle!!

Welcome everybody to my castle!

Click here to learn all about me!

Some sites to visit from mine

Icyou's Place
The World of Goo
The official Orgy website!!!
(music group, for you perverts)

The Buffer
A vast collection of wonderful BTVS fanfic

Click here to go to the BEST Buffy fanfic link site!

Sonja Marie's Buffy the Vampire Slayer Links URL

Look at the cool awards I won!

Official site

Visit The Buffy the Vampire
     Slayer Official Web Site

Some Stuff you should know

Hey anybody who possibly comes to this site...Just wanted to say that I'm working more on my page now and it SHOULD really be improving...maybe, possibly, I'm not too sure yet. Between homework, friends, family, and dancing, I'm rather occupied. So eventually this will look better. Bye!!

Live Moon Phase Display

Current phase of the Moon

Mail Me!  Do it NOW! =)

Click above to send me any mail!

Read my Dreambook!
Sign my Dreambook!
princessarah got their NeoPet at

Click for Omaha, Nebraska Forecast

One note, if you're intent on stealing the crappy little rose graphics I designed *why I don't know...*please just ask first at least ok? And link me back to your page, thanx =)