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Who are Placebo?
When did they get a record deal?
How many albums do they have?
What label(s) are they on?
Do they have their own label?
What other bands have they been in?
What bands influenced them?
Have they appeared in any films?
What kind of equipment do they use?


Where are the members from?
When are their birthdays?
Is Brian's real name "Brian Molko?
Is "Molko" from the movie A Clockwork Orange?
How did Brian & Stefan meet?
Where did Steve go to school?
How did they meet Steve?
Did they go to college?
What other jobs have they had?
When did they lose their virginity?
When did they start smoking?
What brand of cigarettes do they smoke?
Are any of the members married?
Have any of the band members lived together?
Do they have any kids?
Are they drug addicts?
Are they alcoholics?
Is Brian going bald?
Are they gay?
Have any of the members been involved with each other?
When did Brian start wearing makeup?
Why did Brian start wearing makeup?
What brands/colors of make-up does Brian use?
How tall are Brian & Stefan?
Why do Brian & Stefan wear dresses?
Does Steve ever wear dresses?
Is Brian dead?


Who writes their songs?
What do the numbers in 36 Degrees mean?
What does libertine mean?
Did Brian really record Bruise Pristine naked?
Is the talking in Evil Dildo really from Brian's answering machine?
What are they saying in Evil Dildo?
What soundtracks do they appear on?
How many singles are avaliable?
What are their rarest songs?
What about all these bootlegs?
Why is the 20th Century Boy promo so expensive?
Where can I find their videos?


Do Placebo hate Limp Bizkit?
Where can I find their magazine covers?
Where can I find articles and reviews?
Is there a fan club?


Who is the 2nd guitarist that plays live with them?
Did Brian's amp really catch fire while onstage?
What color is their tour bus?
Did Stefan really hand something to a crowd member?
Someone said they saw Placebo in a music store, is that true?
Do they remember the fans that they meet?
Does Brian really cuss out audiences?


Is there an official site?
What is the best Placebo site?
Where can I find good pictures?
Where can I find Placebo cartoons?
Do they ever go online?
Do they know about these sites?
What do they think of them?

How do you know all this?

Who are Placebo?
Placebo is a band based in London, England. Casually formed in 1992 when bass player Stefan Olsdal bumped into singer/guitarist Brian Molko in a London subway station. Stefan saw Brian play a solo gig, and decided to form a band with him. (they called the band Ashtray Heart.) Stefan's friend Robert Schultzberg joined as their drummer. Steve Hewitt played on some of their original demos, but was a member of Breed at the time.
Original line-up (1993-1996): Stefan Olsdal, bass & keyboards. Brian Molko, lead vocals & guitars. Robert Schultzberg, drums & percussion.
Current line-up (1996- ): Stefan Olsdal, Brian Molko, Steven Hewitt, drums & percussion.

When did Placebo get a record deal?
Placebo got a record deal one year after their first official gig. They played their first gig at Rock Garden in January 1995.

How many albums does Placebo have?
Placebo have 2 albums: "Placebo" released in 1996 and "Without You I'm Nothing" released in 1998.

What label is Placebo on?
"Placebo" was released on the indie Fierce Panda label. It was re-released on Caroline Records/Hut Recordings in 1996. WYIN was released on Virgin Records.

Do they have their own label?
Yes. Their label is called Elevator Records.

What other bands have they been in?
Steve played in several bands before Placebo including: The Boo Radleys, K-klass & Breed.
Stefan was in a band in Sweden for 4 years (name unknown.)
Brian & Stefan founded Ashtray Heart, which later became Placebo.

Have they been in any films?
Placebo appear in Todd Hayne's film Velvet Goldmine. (now available in the US & UK on video and DVD). Brian originally auditioned for a part in the movie, he told them "I will do anything to get a part in this movie." Brian got a part in a band that was to play a cover of T. Rex's 20th Century Boy in the movie. Brian suggested that Placebo record a version of 20th Century Boy for the soundtrack, and the rest of Placebo landed rolls in the movie as well.

Brian and Steve have speaking parts. You can see them in the opening sequence of the movie, running down the street. They meet and become roommates with Christian Bale's character. The ficitional band they are part of is called the "Flaming Creatures". They lip-sync 20th Century Boy in the film. Stefan plays a bass player in a different band. If you blink, you'll miss him. He's in the band that is playing when Brian Slade meets Curt Wilde in America. (pics)

What soundtracks do they appear on?
They appear on 2 movie soundtracks:
Cruel Intentions (Every You, Every Me)
Velvet Goldmine (20th Century Boy)

What equipment do they use?
BRIAN: His first guitar was an ESP Telecaster.
When the band first started playing together played a Fender Jaguar, and used a Fender practice amp.
Currently he uses 3 Fender Jaguars, 1 Fender Jazz master, and 2 Gibson SG's. For amps he uses a Marshall stack and a Fender Twin.
According to the "Guitars & Rockstars" website his guitar his usually tuned to: F,Bb,Eb,Ab,C,C
According to the same site his effects are: Sovtek Big Muff, Line Selector, Boss TU12 tuner, Boss DD3 delay.
Brian told AP magazine that his effects are: Boss delay, Roger Mayer Voodoo Distortion, the built-in overdrive on the Marshall; and sometimes their soundguy will put a Leslie [rotary speaker] effect or a big My Bloody Valentine kind of reverb effect on his guitar. This information was provided by Guitars & Rock Stars & AP Magazine

STEFAN: His first bass was a Fender Precision (because Iron Maiden's Steve Harris).
Now he uses an American Fender Jazz, and "an old" Fender VI.
He uses a Roland PK-5 midi pedal (which is what he starts the Pure Morning Loop with).
(information from Bassist Magazine)

What bands have influenced Placebo?
Brian: PJ Harvey, Sonic Youth
Steve: Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds, The Smiths, "funk" music
Stefan: Abba, Iron Maiden

Where are the members from?
Brian has stated in interviews that he was born in Belgium, and he has also said New York City. He moved around quite a bit, and if you ask him he'll say he's American.
Stefan is Swedish. Original drummer Robert was from Sweden as well.
Steve is from Manchester, England.

When are their birthdays?
Steve: March 22nd, 1971.
Stefan: March 31st, 1972. Note: I've had one source tell me that 72 is wrong, that he was born in 74. I will try to find the correct date!!
Brian: December 10th, 1972.

Is Brian's real name "Brian Molko"?
Well, that depends on your definition of "real name". I have heard from several reliable sources who have been Placebo fans for quite some time that "Brian Molko" is not the name Brian was born with. However, it's very common for musicians to change their names, or take a stage name. I do not know what name Brian was born with, and I do not know if his name has legally been changed to Molko. If anyone knows please let me know!!

Did Brian take the name "Molko" from the movie A Clockwork Orange?
I have no idea. If you watch (or rewatch, now that you know what you are looking for) the movie, you will see that in one scene near the beginning MOLKO is written on the wall. It could just be a coincidence, or maybe Brian saw the movie and thought that would be a good last name. I have no idea.

How did Brian & Stefan meet?
Brian & Stefan attended the same exclusive private school in Luxembourg. (The school was American.) They were not friends while they were in school together. Stefan was a jock, Brian was a self described "loser", he was interested in drama & theatre.

Where did Steve go to school?
I do not know where Steve went to school! If you know, please email me

How did they meet Steve?
Steve was dating a girl Brian went to school with and they met for the first time in a Burger King. Steve played a few gigs with Brian before Brian & Stefan "re-met".

Did they go to college?
Brian went to London when he was 17 to study drama at Goldsmith's College. He graduated. Stefan was in London studying guitar at the Musicians Institute in the East End.

What other jobs have they had?
Steve worked many odd jobs including a job as part of a racing-car team, Formula One.

How old were they when they lost their virginity?
Steve: 13
Brian: 14
Stefan: 19

When did they start smoking?
Steve: 11
Brian: 13
Stefan: 17 but had his first cigarette at 12.

What brand of cigarettes do they smoke?
From what I've observed, they all smoke Marlboro Lights. I've seen Lights in Steve's back pocket, and Stefan handed me his cigarette which was a Light. I have seen Brian smoking something with a coloured filter before though.

Are any of the members married?
To my knowlege none of the members of Placebo have ever been married. There is always a rumor going around that Brian is dating some hot model. The only ex of Brian's that has ever been confirmed is model/actress
Liza Walker. (pic)
I'm told that all the members of the band are in relationships though.

Have any of the members lived together?
Brian and Stefan were roommates for a brief period of time. They were interviewed at the apartment they shared, and several pictures were taken.
Apparently (from what he has said) Brian isn't a good house keeper. pics

Do they have any kids?
Steve has a 2 year old daughter with his ex-girlfriend. He has said that he gets very angry when they talk, because they fight about their daughter. He has apparently thrown several phones through the window.

Is Brian Molko a drug addict?
Brian gets upset when someone brings up the drug use. He says that the media exagerated his drug use. He admits that he has used drugs and that he has never made a secret of it. He says he is not hooked on drugs and he has never been in rehab. He also says he doesn't condone drug use, that it's a choice each person should make for themselves. He has admitted that his cocaine use was a mistake, and he has said many times that he usually does things he regrets while on drugs.

Are Placebo alcoholics?
As far as I know Placebo have never addressed the speculations that Brian, or all the members are alcoholics. Brian has said that 2 pre-concert jack daniels help calm the nerves. Placebo also request a case of beer and a bottle of vodka before each show. They also request a case of bottled water (when I was backstage I saw that it was Naya brand).

Is Brian going bald?
According to Brian his hair has always been thin. Stefan agrees saying that Brian's hair has been like that for as long as he has known him. Stefan admits that he himself is getting a bit thin up top and that he finds it distressing.

Are Placebo gay?
Steve Hewitt says "half the band is gay." Stefan is openly gay, and Brian is bisexual. Steve is straight.

Have any of the members been involved with each other?
There are some things that are just none of our business, and I'd have to say that this is one of them! I don't know the answer to this, but if I did I wouldn't post it because it seems like a violation of their privacy. If they had been however, it seems like it would be hard for them to continue working together.

When did Brian start wearing makeup?
Brian started wearing makeup when he was 11 years old. He wore it during theatre productions he was involved in.

Why does Brian wear makeup?
He says that he wears makeup for the same reason women do: he looks better with it on.

What brands/colors of make-up does Brian use?
Brian has mentioned several brands and colors in interviews. They include: Maybeline for eyeline & concealer. Ultra-Moist Max Factor Long-Lasting foundation. Urban Decay nailpolish in Uzi. A german lipstick called "She" that he received as a gift, it's a copper/gold colour. He's also mentioned a Stargazer lipstick, and his favourite color was discontinued.

How tall are Brian & Stefan?
Brian is about 5'6.
Stefan is somewhere between 6'5 & 6'7. Sometimes he seems much taller because he's wearing platforms.

Why do Stefan & Brian wear dresses?
Brian says that he likes wearing women's clothing because it fits him better than men's. He's very small and women's clothes run a lot smaller than men's. He also likes women's clothing because it's "funkier" and you can do more with it. He also says that when he wears dresses he wears women's underwear under them! (lacy ones). (pic)
To my knowlege Stefan has never said why he likes to wear dresses!

Does Steve ever wear dresses?
Not usually! He does wear one in the movie Velvet Goldmine though!

Is Brian dead?
No!!! This rumor began around the 3rd week of July 1999, and said that Brian had been killed in a motorcycle accident in Rome, Itally. Several people online confirmed it saying that they heard it on mtv, much music, the news, in the paper, etc. However, it was not true! The band did have a gig in Itally around the time the accident supposedly occurred, and this one even scared me for a while!

Internet rumors spread like a wildfire, (Marilyn Manson was on "The Wonder Years", etc.) sometimes people start them because they think it's funny. Other times, people are confused and genuinely believe that the rumor is true. I don't know how this one got started, but Brian is very much alive. Don't believe anything that extreme unless there is a notice on their official sites. Remember, even Mtv can be wrong.

Who writes Placeo's songs?
Brian writes all of the lyrics for the songs. He says that he usually has a melody in mind. The band writes the music together.

What do the numbers in 36 Degrees mean?
Stefan has said that it's the number for "their favourite curry house" in London. It's also quite possible that the numbers mean nothing, that Brian just pulled them out of thin air.

What does liberteen mean?
Webster's revised unabridged dictionary defines "Libertine" as: 1. One free from restraint; one who acts according to his impulses and desires; now, specifically, one who gives rein to lust; a rake; a debauchee.
2. A defamatory name for a freethinker. (See also, Liberal)

Did Brian really record Bruise Pristine while naked?
According to Brian, yes, he was naked while recording this song. The 1" punch remix of Bruise Pristine avaliable on the Bruise Pristine Pt2. UK single begins with Brian saying: "What you don't realize is that I've made you turn the lights down like this so that I can sing naked."

Is the talking on Evil Dildo really from Brian's answering machine?
According to Brian, yes it is. Some people have been doubtful about this because they've heard the same thing in other people's mixes. Apparently it was recorded on Brian's answering machine before he was ever big, and had to have an unlisted number. He kept the tape, and allowed a couple friends to use it in their songs.

Who is the 2nd guitarist that plays live with them?
Bill Lloyd from the group Tram, plays bass on songs when Stefan plays guitar. He choses to be just offstage, Placebo gave him the option to be onstage with them. He is Brian's guitar tech.

Did Brian's amp really catch fire while onstage? That depends on who you believe. According to journalists at their Philidelphia, PA date in March 1999, Brian's amp caught fire during their encore, Pure Morning. They speculated that Brian had thrown his cigarette butt into the amp accidentally.
Other people (mostly fans at the concert) say that Brian did NOT cause the smoke, and that there was no fire. Later it was said that the smoke may have had something to do with the cables.
What we do know for sure is Brian changed the words of Pure Morning to: "A friend with a fire extinguisher is better." The band continued to play while roadies put the fire out.
Note: some people have told me that this didn't happen in Philly. Well guys, it must've happened twice because as far as I can tell it happened at the Phillidelphia show.

What color is their tour bus? Green.

Is there an official site?
There are 2 "official" sites:
The Official Placebo Homepage (UK)
Official Virgin Records Site

What is the best Placebo site?
Best is a relative term, but in my opinion the two best Placebo sites are:
The Brick Shithouse
Placeo Online

Where can I find good pictures?
There are a lot of Placebo websites with pictures, and not every website has all the pictures avaliable. The two sites with the biggest variety are:
The Brick Shithouse
Evil Dildo

How do you know all this?
I gathered all the information you see here from various internet sites, magazine articles, interviews, chats, radio broadcasts, and some from what I myself have observed. None of it came from other FAQs, but some of it did come from bios at some internet sites.

All of this information is only as good as my sources! I believe that most of this information is accurate. This site does not mean to invade any of the band members' privacy in any way, and is meant only for informative purposes! To know more about Placebo or double check my facts, read interviews and articles around the net, or in magazines!