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Special Prayer Requests

My good friend's little 4 year old daughter (who is only 4 months younger than my Becky) was diagnosed with leukemia almost 2 years ago. Please pray for Laura and her family and visit her web page by clicking on her picture.

Please pray for a dear sweet lady named Mrs. Evans. She is going through cancer for the second time. She was the Dean of Women when I was at College and one of the sweetest ladies I've ever met! I have MANY fond memories of Mrs. Evans. I usually stayed at college year round as a student and Mrs. Evans and Miss Frye (now Mrs. Tudor) would take us on little trips in the summer. One summer while on a trip we stopped at a truck stop and used the telephone and called Mrs. John R. Rice up on the phone and sang "We love you Mrs. Rice" and then each of us got a chance to talk to her for several minutes. What a blessing! To be able to talk to one of the top ladies in fundamentalism. That was just a few months before Mrs. Rice graduated to heaven. Another time we went for a hike in the woods and Mrs. Evans with a book in hand helped us identify different trees and flowers that we saw. Another time she took us to the dunes. We walked along the beach collecting shells. I could go on and on about the fun times I've had with her and the heart to heart talks I've had with her... but please pray for Mrs. Evans to be free from pain!

This is a letter I received from my friend Dawn (Laura's Mommy) about Mrs. Evans...

Dear Family & Friends,
I am asking a favor. I am asking you to pray for this prayer request. It is not regarding Laura; but this lady has been very good to Laura, praying for her and sending her cards even though she has cancer herself. She has encouraged Charlie and I in phone calls and even taking me out and giving me ideas in handling cancer. Her name is Mrs. Evans. She is the wife of our president at our Bible College, Hyles-Anderson College. She has a ladies meeting in October. I spoke with her yesterday; you probably already know she is filled with hundreds of tumors. They are waiting til mid-winter to start chemo because they are not sure she will have another remission and she does get sick on chemo-so they want her to enjoy this time. But I bluntly asked if she was in pain, and she said she had some hard times. My mother died in alot of pain because of cancer. Mrs. Evans once helped get morphine to my mom, if I remember right. But ovarian cancer is very painful, and Mrs. Evans told me when I asked her they have said it can be very ugly at the end. So my heart is so filled, and I want to beg you to please pray that God at least takes the pain away whatever else He decides. My aunt Caroline died of cancer and she prayed and asked God to and she was on no pain medication when she died. The doctors were dumbfounded. So since everyone knows ovarian cancer is painful-God would get the glory if He took the pain away. ( I am already reminding God of that!) So since God has done it before, I know He can again. I know alot of you know Mrs. Evans, and already pray for her, but I am asking for this specifically. It is horrible to see someone you love in pain. I know. And pray for Dr. Evans. He is a trooper. They both help people when they are dealing with so much themselves and never complain. And they have been a blessing to me and Charlie.

Thanks with all my heart,

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