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Christian Music Band
Sorry. No Booking Dates Accepted at this time. Currently On Sabbatical.
Please Continue to Pray for God's will in the continuing of this ministry. May God bless you as you seek to follow after Him.
email: Or Phone Us at: (517) 852 - 9159
How to Become a BELIEVER in Christ
Yesterday's Gospel (Old Time Gospel)
Pash Performance (Piano/keyboard)
For the Youth in Genoa,Ohio and their new street outreach: Extreme Dayz Cafe in Genoa, OH, affliated with Hardware Youth Ministries (near Toledo, 10-15 minutes from Exit 5/71)
For the Inmates with Eaton Co. Jail under Forgotten Man Ministries with Chaplain Jim and Rhea Ferrier
Thanks to Hastings Baptist Youth Group for a great concert during their Youth Hunger Awareness Event (11/30/01) ! You kids are Great !


MATTHEW'S HOUSE is a contemporary Christian band with a focus on reaching the lost for Christ, as well as encouraging fellow believers. Our home office is in Nashville, Michigan. The name "MATTHEW'S HOUSE" is based on the scripture passage in Matt. 9:9-12, as follows:

"As Jesus went on from there, He saw a man named Matthew sitting at the tax collector's booth. "Follow me, " He told him, and Matthew got up and followed Him. While Jesus was having dinner at Matthew's house, many tax collectors and "sinners" came and ate with Him and His disciples. When the Pharisees saw this, they asked His disciples, "Why does your teacher eat with tax collectors and 'sinners'?" On hearing this, Jesus said, "It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick."

This was a house where sinners dwelt. And Jesus purposely went to Matthew's so doing giving an example for other believers to follow. We are not to be Pharisees and point our fingers with judgement, but instead we are to be seeped in mercy; reaching those who are often overlooked by the religious community. It is our mission to bring such into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.


The Mission of MATTHEW'S HOUSE band is to present the gospel message of hope and encouragement to those in the world who would otherwise not be reached by traditional Christian methods, and to inspire, edify, and strengthen the walk of fellow believers.


We will use music as our primary medium to present a positive and relevant view of Christ to those both inside and outside the church. This outreach will be bold, strong, and transparent; regardless of the criticism that we receive, knowing that Jesus was also criticized for reaching-out to tax collectors and sinners while He ministered on the earth. We will use the musical gifts He's given us, and our own personal testimonies and lives in order to reach the un-reached. We do this because we were also of Matthew's house, and Jesus reached-out to us!


A) Ask Him into your heart to be your personal Savior and Lord.

B) Believe He will save you from your sins...........and yourself.

C) Confess your faith in Jesus Christ to others.

Check-out a local church in your area that teaches salvation through Jesus Christ alone. The believers there will help you grow in your new faith in the Lord. They can give you a Bible and discipleship material that will strengthen your Christian walk. May God bless your life richly. Remember, no matter who you are, God can save you and give you a life that is very much worth living.

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