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Oni Savegame Editor: Troubleshooting


Although there shouldn't be any bugs left in the OSGE, there could still be some things you might want to know about.

If you move the savegame, rename it or change it's full pathname in any other way, the OSGE won't find it when launched and you have to repick it.

If you were invisible by just a normal "Phase Cloak" item picked up in the game and open up the OSGE, the "Invisible" flag is set. If you make changes and hit "Save Changes" you will get the "moonshadow" invisibility. (much longer than a Phase Cloak)

If you change the "shots" field but have "nothing" for the weapon, the data in the shots field is not saved properly sometimes. (But who cares, why would you want have your hand loaded with shots. NOTE: ammo clips and everything else are saved properly when you carry nothing.)

If you wish to edit a PC save game with the Mac version of the OSGE you will have to give it the proper Type and Creator Code first or the editor won't even list the file in the "Open File..." dialog box. The type code is 'INST' and the Creator code is 'Oni!'. There are a lot of applications that can edit the type and creator code of files. ResEdit can also do the trick.

If you edited a save game, in very rare circumstances Oni doesn't list any of your save points in the "Open Game" dialog. Try restarting Oni and click on "Open Game" again. If it still doesn't work, restore from your backup copy.

If you have a mixed-language savegame (i.e. English/German), the OSGE will only seek for save points of the first language encountered so it might not show all the save points in such savegames. (Mixed savegames are coming for example if you uninstall the English version and install the French version of Oni. The English persist.dat is not deleted and you can play it with the French game also. But if you come forward in the French version, the future save points will be saved in French, but the OSGE is only listing the English save points.) So don't try to create mixed savegames please!

An apple employee reported that there are problems with the OSGE and the Vector Unit on a new version of the Mac OS which isn't out yet. If you see junk in the "Levels" and "Save Points" fields, you went into this problem. I can't fix it until Real Software improves REALBasic which I made the OSGE with,

If these infos weren't very helpful, contact me and I'll try to help.