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Welcome to the all new DarkMoon


-Scrap 2011-



Relaunching the site is completely underway. In a day and age where everyone has a blog or somewhere besides Facebook to spout off long form ideas, I thought to myself, I've had a web presence

rarely updated and therefore rarely visited due to it's utter lack of use, for more than a decade. This site began during my earliest years of high school and has sat stagnant since 2004, now it's time to

get some use and hopefully some traffic from anyone who honestly cares about my opinions or my art and stuff like that. Think of it like a blog, but I feel I have far more control here to do whatever I

want, as I always have. Visit from time to time to see what's going on, maybe new pictures, maybe new art, maybe just a rambling diatribe about something ... who knows. I do intend on using the site

much more now though.



Oh, and should you care to take a look into the past, I've archived the old 2004 edition of DarkMoon and placed a link at the bottom of the page. It's a look back at stuff I'm embarrassed of quite

honestly, but I'm not going to delete it and act like I was never that person, the poetry, the art, the opinions and the interests I had have all grown, but we wouldn't be who we are today without our

pasts right? Why hide it, take a look at who I was in 2004, if nothing else, for laughs.

Classic DarkMoon
