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My Son

*Click to hear the Globetrotters Whistle*

The Rose

This is my only son. He is from my first marriage. He gave me away at my second wedding in 1995. I used to sing the song "The Rose" to him as a baby, so our dance was none other...

The Basketball Fanatic!

My son used to wish to become a pro basketball player and if he kept practising, he could have been

His dribbling was fantastic and he was very proud of the fact that he could dunk on 6.5 feet nets! This picture was taken when he was 13 years old, when he was 5 feet 6 inches tall. Now, at 23, he towers me in height over 6 feet! He is 19 years old in the picture below ...with 19 candles on the cake! He was a bit worried about blowing them all out now that he is a SMOKER! (I quit and he started! argggg) That look on his face is staged...he hated getting his picture taken!

The Basketball Fanatic!