Hi! I've noticed how popular so-called web-chain-letters have become. Some are fun, others are interesting but even more are downright annoying. And you don't want to annoy your friends do you? So, before clicking that forward button, consider the following things : 1. Have you even read the message you are about to forward? If not, it's not worth sending out. 2. Never send out the get-rich-quick type of e-mail or ICQ. Face it, it's a scam. 3. Use your judgement. Only forward e-mails you enjoyed receiving and reading. If you didn't like it, chances are your friends won't. 4. Please, please, I can't stress this point enough, before forwarding REMOVE all the useless text before and after the "chain-letter". An example of useless text is : Sent by john@smith.com to henry@whatever.net CC to anything@here.ca . You get it? 5. Don't send out too many chain-letters. There is such thing as too much of a good thing. Thanks for hearing me out, and could you please forward this message to at least 10 people? :) The "No Forward" Campaign ( www.go.to/nofwd )