Ozma is

Ryen Slegr - vocals, guitar

Jose Galvez - guitar, vocals

Daniel Brummel - bass, vocals

Star Wick - keys

Pat Edwards - drums


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1.  The whole gang before the show, after my interview.  From left to right, starting with the back row...  Daniel, Pat, Jose, then front row is Ryen and the lovely and so sweet Star.  VIEW

2.  Ryen talking on his cell phone.   VIEW

3.  Ryen and Blake (from Rilo Kiley) chatting before Ozma's set.  VIEW

4.  Daniel prepares for the rock.   VIEW

5.  Hello Pat!  Pat sets up his things.  VIEW

6.  Hooray for microphones that block Daniel's face!  Eek!  VIEW

7.  Star is the nicest and the greatest.  Teehee.  VIEW

8.  Ryen rocks the roll in his own little way.  VIEW

9.  I absolutely adore Daniel Brummel.   And having him that close to me and just...  him putting every piece of himself into his singing was absolutely magical and I would have peed my pants if their set had lasted two minutes longer.  Or if they had played the Ups and Downs.  VIEW

10.  Ryen.  VIEW

11.  Ryen again.  He just looks so serious when he plays.  It's quite bizarre.  VIEW

12.  Daniel rocks the cock--errr..   rocks the rock.  ;)  VIEW

13.  Daniel jumping, maybe?  Not so sure, but ultra-rad nonetheless.  VIEW

14.  Ryen sweetly sings those melodies.   One of the best attributes of Ozma has *GOT* to be their vocals.  VIEW

15.  Eeek!  Look!  Ryen has my little blue glow in the dark bracelet that he took from me at the interview.  It was cute.  He goes, "Umm... can I have one of those?"  And its like, how the hell are you going to say no to RYEN SLEGR?!  Seriously.  Gah.  I'd probably give him anything.  VIEW

16.  Daniel!  VIEW

17.  I like this picture of Daniel.   He's really jammin'.  VIEW

18.  Ryen.  And my bracelet.   And a little bit of good old Jose in the background.  I wonder if Ryen still has that bracelet.  That would be...  funny and nice.  But that's incredibly doubtful, because I don't even have those bracelets anymore.  VIEW

19.  Daniel.  :)  VIEW

20.  Daniel rocks out with Pat rocking out in the background.  VIEW

21.  I love how Daniel closes his eyes and just sings and gets so into it.  It's incredibly moving.  VIEW

22.  More of close-eyed Daniel.   Hehe.  :-D  VIEW

23.  Ryen rocks a little.  VIEW

24.  I love Ryen's guitar.   Mmmmyay.  Though it confuses me.  If someone would like to enlighten me and tell me what that design is, I would appreciate it.  Emailing is a good thing.   (KariFullofGoo@aol.com) VIEW

25.  Pat is such a nice guy.  And he's so great!  Though I made a fool out of myself in front of him after the show.   Haaaaaahahha.  I'm a spazz!  VIEW

26.  Daniel does something...  VIEW

27.  I think that this is my favorite picture of Ryen.  VIEW

28.  Ryen and...  MICROPHONE NOSE!   Teeeeeeehehehe.  VIEW

29.  Daniel.  VIEW

30.  Ryen gets emotional.  I LOVE IT!  VIEW

31.  Jose is one of my favorite rockstars of all time.  Here's his ass with Pat in the background.  VIEW

32.  Ryen steals a solo.  VIEW

33.  Daniel in crazy red ligthing.   VIEW

34.  A "widescreen" view of the rock.  VIEW

35.  Jose (=GREAT!) moves over to my side of the stage to rock.  VIEW

36.  Another one of the greatest things about Ozma has to be their choice in shoes.  Here's Ryen rocking out, with his very red Pumas visible.  VIEW

37.  Daniel's getting sweaaaaaty!   VIEW

38.  What are you looking at, guys?   Jose and Ryen...  VIEW

39.  Jose rocks out.  In the background of this picture, you can also see my friend Jason (I LOVEEEEE YOU!  ;) Hehehe) talking to the sound guy (I think that's who it is), and the drummer of Nada Surf.   VIEW

40.  Nice picture of Daniel.  VIEW

41.  Ryen sings some more and does his thing some more.  :-D  VIEW

42.  Rockin' Ryen.  VIEW

43.  Daniel.  (if you haven't noticed, I've run out of things to say!)  VIEW

44.  This picture of Ryen makes me laugh.  It's just funny.  VIEW

45.  Daniel.  VIEW

46.  Daniel.  I don't really like this picture.  Bad picture taking on my part.  *sigh*  What can you do?   VIEW

47.  JOSE!!  I love Jose!   He's just so nice and awesome and just nice.  Minus the triple-decker cheeseburgers.  Ewwwwww.  Hahaha.  VIEW

48.  Good lighting on Ryen.  VIEW

49.  Good lighting on Daniel.  VIEW
