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~My Friends~


This page is dedicated to my FRIENDS!


She is one of my closest and best friends. We go to school together and try to chill together as much as possible. I love ya Farina. P.S. Maria watch out for SchoolSpirit(AKA Kit-Kat)!hehehe

This is Maria(right)and her sister Paula(left)at a party. =)

This is ME(right)and Maria(left)at Science Olympiad. Our airplane flew!!!!! lol =)


She is also one of my closest and best friends. I have known her ever since second grade and we have been good friends since then. She is my Greek partner in crime along with our Slovak friend, Farina Dorkicina. I love ya Irenie. P.S. Good luck with Daffy and LR!!! =)

This is Irenie(left)and her cousin Stacy(right). =)


She is a good friend of mine. She loves basketball and plays on the varsity team at our school. I hope for the best for her. She always helps me out when i need her. She is a real friend that you can depend on. Love ya girl =)


She is my friend that just moved here from Puerto Rico. I got to know her through volleyball. She is a great player and a good friend. I hope u stay at our school! Watch out for our favorite b-ball player.

This is a picture of me and Jocie before a volleyball game. She is on the left. Everyone says i look like a slut but i don't think i do. i think i look just fine =).


She is a new friend of my but she is one of the nicest people i know. At first she was confused with my other friend Amy but we have adjusted. Luv ya Aimee.

This is a pic of ME, Aimee and a graduation party in June 2000.


She has become a good friend of mine. She maybe be short but she is the kewlest little person i know. hehehe. Maria and her are also best friends. We will always be a close group.


I just became friends with him the beginning of this year. He is my bus buddy..hehehe =) I'll see ya in math class...even though we won't have our bus convos anymore. I wish ya the best! =)


She is a friend of mine that i have become closer with. She is my basketball partner that saves me under the net..hehehe. U have to join this year. I love our converstations on the bus..i can't wait to hear more.


She is a cool girl to know. She has helped me out and gave me some great advice. She is Maria's sister. We will miss ya when you leave us!!! love ya and will miss ya =)

This is a pic of US! hehehe. From left to right: Irene, Maria, Paula and ME!! Oh my god...I am wearing the shortest dress of the National Honor Society. lol


He is a person at my school that i must deal with. lol He is annoying but i will and have to stand him. Later. P.S. Visit his website.


Last but not least...Bry! =) He became a good friend lately and he is kewl to talk to online. He has helped me realize things and i thank him for that. I have seen his perfect 10 list and i am far away from that...he says i am a 7...i think .5 ...hehehe =Þ Thanks for everything Bry.

This is Bry...isn't he such a cutie?? hehehe *Hugs and Kisses* hehehehe

My Friends are:

  • Kewl
  • Smart
  • Nice

~Friends' Pages~

Maria's Page
Anthony's Page
Bryant's Page
