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Welcome to my page about ME!

I hope u like it. Enjoy!

The picture above is of me as a baby. Wasn't I so cute? What happened? hehehe j/k. Man! I was cubby. hehehe

Well..I was born in Brookhaven Hospital on Long Island. (YEAH! GO LONG ISLAND! =Þ) I lived there for a few years until my brother was born and then we moved upstate..a couple of hours north of the city. I have lived up here ever since then. I live with both my parents and my little bro, Michael.

This is my bro, Michael. =)

This is a more recent pic of me and my bro =). It was taken May 13, 2000. Isn't he so cute?? =)

I love to play sports. I LOVE volleyball but I like basketball, softball, baseball, and soccer. I also jog and work out when i ain't being lazy.

I do well in school. I have gotten straight A's ever since elementary school....and just to let u know I ain't no nerd. I hang out with friends just as much as the next girl.

I have 3 birdies. One is a parakeet that talks, his name is Aristotle. I have a lovebird named Aries, he is the sweetest thing. And my biggest bird is Paulie, a cockatoo. He is so funny and talks to u.

I still have a house on Long Island and i go there almost every weekend. Here is the picture of my LI house.

What to see a more recent picture of me than my baby pic? u go. It isn't that recent but more than the other. I hope u like.

This is the most recent picture of me that i have. i hope u like.

This is another picture of me and my family. These people are my cousins and my bro. Left to right: my bro Michael, my cousin James, ME!, and my cousin Melissa.

This is a pic of me and my friends at my SWEET 16th! =) ME and my cousin James are behind the couch. Maria (left), JP (middle), and Amy (right) are all comfy on the couch. Love ya guys =)...even if you all are evil. lol. ohhhhhh and my birdie.. Paulie is in the background...he is sooo cute =)

This is what my evil friends did at my SWEET 16th! Loser! lol *muah*

I just won this from an unofficial IQ Test. I got a perfect score!!!!! 100!! =) I am smart. lol

I won this from a bitch test. I am less bitchy than 88% of the other females that took this test. I am sweet. =)

I won this from a slut test. I am less slutty and cleaner than 82% of the other females that took this test. See I am good. =( =)

3 Characteristics of Me

  • Smart
  • Sweet
  • Cool

