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Lamali is the daughter of King Chuii, a leopard, and Queen Kipofuisa, a panthress. Thus, Lamali is black, but still has spots. Mali has a brother, Kashi, and a sister, Lilonli, both normal leopards, among countless other half siblings by her father.

What's Going On....

New Stuff

None really... I haven't been on much lately. :(

Old News

Chuii was kidnapped by the Ubaya Kimene, an evil pride, and was converted. He left Kipofuisa and the cubs to stay with the pride. Kipofuisa was heartbroken and forbade the cubs from seeing their father, which didn't really stop them, especially Lamali. Kipofuisa finally decided that she couldn't keep the cubs from seeing their father, but that they should stay with her and not go join their father, to which they agreed. Chuii and Kipofuisa made up (after many fights and other mishaps including Kip in a coma and Chuii's going blind) and were back together and even more in love.
Just recently, Kipofuisa past away while giving birth to a new litter of cubs, half of which did not survive. Chuii was distraught and threw himself to his death off a cliff. This is a tough time for Lamali.

Lamali's Current Desc

Time has been kind to Lamali. She's grown to become a beautiful panthress, tall and slender, and finally full grown. Her muscles ripple beneath her coat, soft as velvet and black as night, yet when the sun shines on her, you can make out darker rosettes covering her body. Set against her dark pelt are two orbs of a shimmery ice blue, remaining the same color as when she was a cub. The spotted shadow gives you a smile and her pale, mystical eyes gleam.

Click here to visit The Lion King Muck where Lamali is from

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