Kristy's Ridiculously Long List of Characters! Yay!
Here they are, in no particular order of importance though somewhat categorized by the stories they're in or characters they have to deal with, though a good portion of them could go into two or more groups, but whatever. Unlike the main site, this page IS up to date. I like to know how demented I am apparently. ^_^
- Tori Jamison
- Maximilian "Max" Hayes
- Patches "Patch"
- Kasmira
- Chloe Jamison (Clarissa "Clo" Tiras)
- Canacia
- Aidyn
- Mesu
- Minon
- Darius
- Hendrick "Henri"
- Tobias
- Rowan
- Eclipse (yes, I consider her a different character)
- Blaise
- Nicholas Cartrell
- Ginger Attkinson
- Damon
- Sumi
- Thia
- Sadirra "Sadi/Stripes" Trilby
- Isis "Ice" Amunsanuraket
- Zunlar "Zunnie/The Dragon Formerly Known as Poop"
- Nelle Trilby Orrick
- Nathaniel Trilby
- Tate Orrick
- Brend Orrick
- Eryn Orrick
- Tully Orrick
- Calhon "Cullen" Lavolan
- Jarod Philamentesh
- Um.. Jarod.. counts as two o_O
- Cullen Philamentesh
- Reik "Flame Boy" Khashenin
- Alia
- Kaia Althair
- Darov Althair
- Valaria Althair
- Hahlee
- Pelion
- Lyani Diel Aaundura Mi'Ayn
- Dardren "Dard" Halov
- Aiuri
- Shin
- Izellah Gndaliandan
- Evhan
- Lyndon Mi'Ayn
- Kale (who doesn't have a last name yet)
- Jiro Philamentesh
- Tercia
- Ophira
- Thaine
- Robyn Halov
- Mahalia Sundeep
- Malik Sundeep
- Maieve Blackleaf Sundeep
- Maxim Sundeep
- Lizabitha Parthenius Sundeep
- Mathais Sundeep
- Marcus Sundeep
- Garaith Bliant
- Jedrek Tabari
- McNugget (he's a chicken ^_^)
- Big Bird (another chicken)
- Madame Cluck (you guessed it)
- Colonel Sanders (yup)
- Hazel Morenia
- Arley Hathen
- Kers
- Nehra Matsya Rahab (or one of "The Girls")
- Buttercup "Bob" (Townswoman #3)
- Alyssia "Alys" Parthenius
- Wynde
- Vyra Halaran Parthenius
- Heldan Parthenius
- Lysandra "Lyse" Pendragon
- Terrence "Terry" (no last name yet)
- Julin Eihdain
- Julin Eihdain (there's two of them ^_~)
- Vierdrae "Vier" Kyleigh Eihdain
- Niah
- Mora Tiras Eihdain
- Sean Eihdain
- Illeena "Illy" Burdone
- Yomiko "Miko"
- Kimi "Jamie/James" Leilani
- Melise "Lise/Mel" Schneider
- Morey Donovan
- Abram Consuelo
- Teyo Qayna
- Qalincha
- Miya
- Daelin
- Trinton
- Cynric
- Makitutu Nidaya (mother of Maki)
- Makitutu "Maki" Nidaya
- The Goddess Makitutu I
- Senarien "Sen" Duendel
- Kalira "Kali" Duendel
- Deianira "Deia" Nahele
- Mirielle "Miri" Nahele
- Tarak Vesairn
- Zueril Vesairn
- Amaya Teule
- Lirei Tuele
- Bowen Nidaya
- Onan
- Nuro
- Lukene
- Lusia
- Taskien
- Kivuli'Rakala "Kivy/Kivuli"
- Khaimidashna "Kivuli'Rakala" Kidueneseim (boy... that one needs explaining..)
- Drikasidi Kidueneseim
- Tshuraika Kidueneseim
- Lyubitshka Kidueneseim
- Pardalien Kidueneseim
- Genevieve "Genny/Gen" Z'errone
- Sethan Seyd
- Ayslin
- Novia
- Dalziel
- Tirzah
- Ginia
- Bani
- Mivahn
- Meylen Siri
- Ember
- Tad
- Zi "Chaye" Tszchayevstt
- Katsumi Yoshamira
- Evelyn
- Kisiri "Snowball"
- Zavina
- Shemshi "Sunny"
- Lamali "Mali"
- Lia'Nyota
- Tanabi
- Tyr Raposinho
- Kimball
- Cai
- Duke
- Ramey
- Min
- Akil
- Evander
- Hasana
- Kekona
- Neitia
- Toak
- Xand
- Zara Lapaki
- Aliyah
- Felicia Aurek
- Dinah Esher
- Rhaiyneihsitao "Rhaiyne" Drathirasheinim
- Naor
- Tyiahne
- Zaiova
- Garrick Landis
- Ayaria Qyniori
- Nerin Haede
- Tibu "Tibs" Makucha
- Breyajothalt "Brey" Al'Tesian Ay'Noerahd
- Hadrian "I Wish I Was Legolas" Salimah
- Kabibe Gndaliandan
- Ivae Yiridianai
- Iyana
- Viair
- Eidi
- Kaitryn Tiye
- Kalriel
- Gliondir
- Jerelais "Jace" Wagstaff
- Naldo Wagstaff
- Aru "Skritch"
- Siuapili "Siua" Mizton
Of course, there are a few who don't have names yet, so they're not on here.
Here also, are names of various cities, kingdoms, and planets:
The Wastelands
Chia (yes, Chia)
New Airendir
There's more crap I could put on here from important items and terms to curse words from the bahen language I made up, but I don't think you care that much. ^_^
And now for a few interesting and yet very lame statistics!
Number of twins: 2 (or 4 if you count them both, 2 identical, 2 fraternal)
Number of triplets: 1 (identical, but only one of the 3 is mine)
Number of chars who suffer from amnsesia regardless of how cliche: 5.5 (heh.. figure that one out)
Number of chars who are possessed sorta, also cliche: 3.5 (what's with these half numbers?!)
Speaking of cliche, both of my twin sets have one "evil twin".
And one of the possessed guys also has amnesia.
Approximate percentage of chars who use magic of some sort: 48%
Male to Female ratio: about 5 to 6
Number of bad guys who are just misunderstood: 6 (this tends to happen when I end up liking the bad guy too much ^_^)
Both the "evil twins" are misunderstood.
The possessed guy who's got amnesia was a misunderstood bad guy very briefly, but I didn't include him in the number.
Number of chars who are killed: 32 (so far... still contemplating the deaths of a few others)
Number of those killed chars who are revived: 2.5 (again!?!?! Though two of those might not come back... story rewrite in progress)
Number of chars who are cats: 26 (I never realized how many there were. o_O And there's also a fox, a wolf, a.. um.... there's more animal thingies)
Remember that possessed/amnesia guy? He's also the 0.5 of the killed and revived chars and a cat.. sorta. Poor guy's confusing!
Number of characters to be referred to as "The Chosen One": 13 (that's a lot of Chosen Ones...)
Number of characters who are nobility: 35 (though several others are related to nobility through blood or marriage, though not technically nobility themselves)
That guy we keep bringing up, yeah.. he's also a Chosen One and nobility. Well, at least he's not a twin. ^_~
Longest name (per letters): Rhaiyne and Brey tied at 29
Most impossible to pronounce name: Chaye and Rhaiyne have this one down!
Number of chars to have a nickname before I gave them a full name: 15
Number of bards: 7.5 (one plays an instrument very very well... but she's kinda not really a bard)
Number of characters to be mentally deranged or somewhat messed up in the head: 18
Guess who's one of those messed up ones? ^_~ But seriously, after all this crap, how could the guy not be messed up?!
Number of glasses-wearers: 7
Number of blondes: 40
more to come..