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Standing for what you Believe in, Regardless of the odds against you, and pressure that tears at you resistance; ...Means Courage...

Keeping a Smile on your Face, when inside you feel like dying; For the sake of supporting others, ...Means Strength...

Stopping at Nothing, and doing what is in your Heart, and for what you know is Right; ...Means Determination...

Doing more than is expected, to make another's life more bearable, without uttering a single Complaint; ...Means Compassion...

Helping a Friend in Need, no matter the time or Effort, To the Best of your Ability; ...Means Loyalty...

Giving more than you have, and expecting nothing, but nothing in Return; ...Means Selflessness...

Holding your Head up High, being the Best you can be, when life seems to fall apart; facing each difficulty with confidence, that time will bring you better tomorrows, and never giving up. ...Means Confidence...

~~A True Friend is Someone that Inspires you to be a better person! Inspire Someone Today~~