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Vandalism Aimed at Strikers!

Sometime between the last picket of Thursday, December 10th and the first picket on the morning of Friday, December 11th some "unknown" persons vandalized the strike-support trailer which is parked on a lot adjacent to the JB Fields plant. Several windows were smashed, and the hose to the propane tank was cut. This cowardly act was obviously aimed at demoralizing the strikers, who have been on strike since March 23rd, 1998.

But the women of UNITE 1764 are strong enough not to let this incident stop them in their struggle for equality, justice and respect.

Friends of UNITE is calling for donations to help cover the cost of repairing the damage from this attack. Cheques made out to "Friends of UNITE 1764", with a note in the memo box saying "vandalism fund", can be sent to PO Box 461, Kingston, ON K7L 4W5.

No overhead charges will be removed from this money -- all cheques will be deposited in an account for the strikers.

Statements of support are encouraged as well. E-mail them here, or send written copies to the above address.