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Newsletter back issues - No. 64

John Finley's English email newsletter
Monday 05 March 2001 © 2001 Issue No. 64


1. Welcome
2. Test - prepositions of time
3. Idiom
4. Useful Links
5. Jokes
6. Subscribe/Unsubscribe information
7. Test answers
8. That's all folks


1. Welcome

Hello again

Last week I gave the link for the view of earth at
night, from space. If you liked that then you'll
probably like this week's link too.

This is for NASA's picture of the day. Each day
there is a new picture, together with a detailed

Now, on with the show ...


2. Test - prepositions of time

Complete the following sentences by adding the
correct preposition of time: in, at or on. Good luck!

1. I went to a party ... New Year's Eve.

2. I'm going to China ... June.

3. The banks open ... 9am.

4. I moved to Vienna ... 1998.

5. The meeting is ... Monday.

6. I'll call you ... half past ten.

7. The concert is ... 24 September.

8. My garden looks lovely ... spring.

9. I had a party ... my birthday.

10. I was born ... 1968.


3. Idiom

## to jump out of your skin ##

If something really scares you, or shocks you,
then maybe you 'jump out of your skin'.

A common game (in England at least) for young
children is to hide from their parents and then
jump out, shouting 'Boo!'

If the parent isn't expecting it then they might
jump out of their skin.

This idiom is often used when talking about
yourself: "I nearly jumped out of my skin!"


4. Useful Links

Here are some links which may be of use to you.

BBC website
Probably the best news resource on the internet,
with audio and video reports too!

BBC Learning English
The BBC have a site for Learning English. It has
lots of resources - sound files, vocabulary exercises
and much more - all free to use. Well worth a visit.


5. Jokes

A priest was talking to a group of young children
about being good and going to heaven. At the end
of his talk he asked, "Where do you want to go?"

"Heaven!" they all shouted.

"And what do you have to do to get there?"

"Be dead!" replied one of the children.

#-#-# #-#-#

An elderly woman went to see the doctor. When
the doctor asked why she was there, she replied,
"I'd like to have some birth control pills."

The doctor thought for a minute and then said,
"Excuse me, Mrs. Smith, but you're 75 years old.
What possible use could you have for birth control

The woman answered, "They help me sleep better."

The doctor was a little confused and continued,
"Why do you believe that taking birth control
pills will help you to sleep?"

The woman replied, "Doctor, I put them in my
granddaughter's orange juice every morning -
then I sleep better at night."

#-#-# #-#-#

There are three stages in a man's sex life:

- tri-weekly

- try weekly

- try weakly


6. Subscribe/Unsubscribe details

To subscribe, send a blank email to:

To unsubscribe, send a blank email to:


7. Test answers

Here are the completed sentences.
I hope you have all ten correct.

1. I went to a party on New Year's Eve.

2. I'm going to China in June.

3. The banks open at 9am.

4. I moved to Vienna in 1998.

5. The meeting is on Monday.

6. I'll call you at half past ten.

7. The concert is on 24 September.

8. My garden looks lovely in spring.

9. I had a party on my birthday.

10. I was born in 1968.


8. That's all folks!

That's all for this week.

Please send any jokes, website tips, etc. to me at

Keep smiling!

john finley


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