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Poor Bob

Dearest Jimmm-boo (sigh). There's a story that I've got to tell you. I think you'll find it entertaining enough --

This guy, Bob, was living out in the desert with his wife and son, Wendy and Jason. They were a far cry from the "Brady Bunch" - had they lived in the "burbs" their neighbor smight have deemed them their own official "Addam's Family", but - out in the desert they blended fairly well - out in the desert they were a normal family.

During their animated presence on the worthlss plains of the high desert they stumbled upon a flower. In this barren land, Iris was as refreshing as a pitcher of ice water in hell. Her education brought new ideas, her world travel brought them culture - Why, with Iris around, there'd be no more lizard races for the klan beneath the sun.

As it is with flowers, a lot of attention is required to maintain their beautiful existance Iris was no exception. She basked in the abundant pleasure of oohs and awws. Slowly siphoning the wells of all who surrounded her, absorbing the oxygen from the sky. The charismatic aura of Iris distracted the unknowing audience.

The faces of Bob, Wendy and Jason became gaunt and grey. They were totally impervious of the disease that had taken over their bodies. Though Jason's eyes saw clearly that their illness was being caused by the deficiency of what had been taken for granted.

Well, here I sit, writing cliche anecdotes about Iris as though she really were a harmless frail being, only taking what she needed. Maybe this is true - Maybe Iris truly thrived on the slight of hand, this is her magic. While her victims are mesmerized by her prettiness she sucks the blood from their bdies - afterwhich - they actually thank her for their destruction.

to be continued
