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Letter #2 - 01/19/99

(copyright 1999, James Hagen)

pg 1 01/09/99

Hey Janet

I sent the following to a greek, so I'm doubtful you ever got them (maybe they're too mushy).

(copyright 1999, James Hagen)
You helped me when I was blinded
and knew not where to go
For you were the light in my darkness

Your selfless heart warmed me
with gentle rays of light
Now I can see what was once obscured
Simplicity, beauty and delight.
12/20/98 J. Hagen WVDC

I see her walking a half note step
melancholy eyed, ashen face we met.

The hot mojave sky clouded and cooled
As the shadow raced from here to eternity.

We opened our arms and squeezed the other's girth
As the rain pelted sweet mother earth
...and I knew.

Tightly she held me for the clouds were scorned
with thunder and lightening, all was frightening.

When it was over I stood alone.
In the hot mojave summer
...and I knew.

01/06/99 J. Hagen WVDC

page 1-1/2

Today Is

Today is today! Today!
Have I ran out of words to say! To say!
or am I just out of time
This day they say is different
though the script remains the same
The theme, the teme, the scheme, the scheme
I just don't see the difference.

The sun comes with a wake up yell
and breakfast we must eat
Then back to bed, no talking
so what the hell, back to sleep I go.

Whereas breakfast, lunch and dinner
and count at the hours of eve
Now come to your senses and tell me
what the hell is different
For the day and night are never seen.

I never meant to self exlaim that this
little world was not insane but sometimes
some things change.

Today is today! Today! Today!
Today is today! Today! Today!
Damn it to hell today!

Today is the day you've been waiting on.
Today is the day you'll be freed.

So get off my case, you stinkin' jerk!
For today is today! Today!

12/20/98 J. Hagen


< p> Seldom do I see the light, today is no exception. I've been taken from my sanctuary in iron and chains. I was cast onto the valley floor to to be scrutinized and crusified by those cowards who keep the numbers, they're conscience is empty.

The shepherd is dead and with this it's said, "the wolves are watching the sheep". We are all contained in this pen stoned, immaculate, insane! The glass keeps in the screams of pain and reflects jaws and sharp teeth drooling in anticipation.

No place to ru, no place to hide. It's been so long since I've seen the sun or felt it's warmth.

I'm getting weary of hearing their lies...chain him up, pat him down, whip him and kick him, make him tell the truth...until he lies. We want to hear what we want to hear! We want a confession...and we want it...NOW! If you want to live you'll see our light or perish in eternal night!

I see the gavel raise and hear it fall.

In the end the smoke will blend as it clears the room. Did the truth finally prevail or will we see the annihilation of yet another angel, wings a blaze as it plummits to earth and the deafening laughter of demons for the spoils were sweet as anarchy prevails.

The wolves are watching the sheep
They're coming for you when you sleep.

11/20/98 J. Hagen WVDC

pg 2-1/2

Well, I can't hear you! I don't think it's going to win a Pulitzer prize. I hope to be out soon so I can send a few that the Greek's holding.

I need to get this in the mail before rates go up again. It's hard to concentrate, the majority of the Mexicans in here act as if they're under the influence (of stupidity). They make noise just to make noise. It's interesting how easily the simpletons are entertained, kind of like red necks with a bug zapper (pictue C's clan).

Hey, I enjoyed that Ugli Coyote stuff, just a lot of paper for amount of message.

I will write or call later.

love Jim

PS - Say hi to everyone. Have you kept in contact with Thelma or Louise? (I think they're sweet on me). My life was much simpler when women didn't notice me? I guess I have to deal with being a commodity -- Being a beer roady has its perks, yeah!

I hope this stuff keeps you busy for a bit.

See Yah Soon