H. B. PAKSOY has earned his doctorate at Oxford
University  (England)  with a Grant from the Committee of
Vice-Chancellors and Principals of the Universities of the
United Kingdom, after studying in the Turkish Republic and
taking his B.S. and M.A. degrees in the United States.   
To date, Dr. Paksoy published three volumes:

     CENTRAL ASIA READER: The Rediscovery of History
     (Editor, Translator) (New York: M. E. Sharpe, 1994)  
     201 Pp. + Index.

     CENTRAL ASIAN MONUMENTS (Editor) Table of Contents:  
     H. B. Paksoy (Kuyas Ham Alav); Peter Golden (Codex
     Comanicus); Richard Frye (Narshaki's History of
     Bukhara); Robert Dankoff (Adab Literature); Uli
     Schamiloglu (Umdet ul Ahbar); Kevin Krisciunas (Ulug
     Bey's Zij); Audrey Altstadt (Abbaskuluaga Bakikhanli's
     Nasihatlar); Edward Lazzerini (Gaspirali Ismail Bey's
     Tercªman); David S. Thomas (Yusuf Ak½ura's Uc Tarz-i
     Siyaset).  (Istanbul: Isis Press, 1992). 174 Pp.

     ALPAMYSH: Central Asian Identity Under Russian Rule
     (Hartford, Connecticut: Association for the Advancement
     of Central Asian Research Monograph Series, 1989).   
     171 Pp. + Bibliography, Index, Appendix.

Over the past decade-and-a-half, his papers on Central Asian
topics have appeared in over two dozen periodic journals and
scholarly collections, published in eight countries, on the
European, Asian, and North American continents.  Dr. Paksoy 
was a Faculty Associate of the Harvard University Center for
Middle Eastern Studies and taught at the Departments of History,
Central Connecticut State University, and at the University of

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