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Warning:The music of Marilyn Manson contains messages that will KILL GOD in your impressionable teenage minds. As a result,you could be convinced to KILL YOUR MOM & DAD and eventually in an act of hopeless "Rock & Roll" behavior you will KILL YOURSELF please burn your records while there's still hope!!!

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Before you enter this page please make sure that you are using internet explorer or the sounds and movements won't work. Thank you!

I have not had alot of time to spend on this site lately so for now I have switched the pic of the week section into pic of the month...this might change as soon as I get some more free time to spend on this site. Thanx for your patience

Chris Snow

MM:"Nothing is just black or just white. I combined the word "Marilyn" {Monroe} as the white, positive aspect - the light - with the word "Manson" {Charles} which is the black, negative aspect. Light and darkness, life and death are simply two inseparable parts of life. Without darkness you wouldn't know the light and without evil, you wouldn't know what's good."

The Marilyn Manson Klan
This Marilyn Manson Klan Webring site is owned by Chris Snow

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