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P'ier and Grendelth's Weyr

You walk into a large weyr directly across from Odells. A young man around te age of 20 turns old looks up at you. "hello stranger have you come to see the proud father of the current clutch? Here he is, the great bronze Grendelth.
He flew Albiath well and she broke the reccord of eggs laid in a clutch!!! Excuse me, Thread falls tomorrow so I must be prepared. So please leave us to get"

On the way out you notice a large canine playing with a bone. P'iere tells you that she came from Pets-4-You and that her name is Grub, after the merciful bug/insect, that protects the south from thread.

On your way out you see a tapestry of a thread fall and the ground crews protecting a hold. Nice you think then leave.