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My dragon lovers club firelizards

This is the home of some very special firelizards! The first one I received was Gryphon. this is him...a bronze! He was entered into a mating flight recently and he received his two daugheters, green Nisse and gold Pegasus. Both just hatched and are very beautiful. Don't you think?
This is a very rare and endangered egg of a special one of a kind firelizard!
Here is the special snow globe that belongs to my darling Aurora
I kept her egg shell since it was so pretty!
Here she is my beautiful Auroraborelis...Aurora for short. It is another name for the northern lights. Her mate is the special rainbow Prism. Well they mated and there was a special egg! I was lucky to be the owner of the mother so I got to keep one of the eggs...Naturally I chose the special. His name is Borellis and he looks alot like his handsome father

Now lets get off the topic of firelizards and onto Mor'zels! This is my mor'zel, Razz'bury. She is one of the first Mor'zels to be adopted!Mor'zels are a cross between dragons and horses. They are very loyal steeds! I hope she will mate soon. Her mate is owned by the same person who owns Phoenix...the mate to Gryphon and mother to Nisse and Pegasus

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Club where I got the flits...PLEASE JOIN!
