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The Chamber Down Below
This is a small tribute to the 80's show Beauty and the Beast starring Linda Hamilton and Ron Perlman. It contains poetry, an episode guide and pictures, as well as the lyrics to The First Time I Loved Forever

The Phantom of the Opera
As my friends know, this is my absolute favorite thing in the world. What can I say? I love the Phantom in all its forms. The story and the music are so intriguing that one can't help but fall in love with it. This site deals mainly with the Toronto production of The Phantom of the Opera. It has pictures, facts, and the history of the Pantages Theater as well as a tribute to its 10 year record-breaking run in Toronto. If you love the Phantom, you'll love this page.

Disney's Animated Movies List
Do you love Disney? C'mon, I know you do! I myself am a collector of Disney stuff and I found myself looking on the web for a list of animated Disney movies. I found one, printed it and lost it! And then I couldn't find it again! So I decided to try to put one up myself for an easy referral whenever I needed, and now you can too!. So here is a chronological list of all the Disney animated movies along with the sequels and cool links. Includes original release dates and taglines/quotes from the movies.

Jem Links
Do you remember the TV cartoon Jem? Well, here is my small tribute to all those people out there who keep the dream alive. Play the Jem Links game; where it will take you nobody knows, but you can be sure it will lead to some truly outrageous fun with Jem and the Holograms, the Misfits and the Stingers!