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Welcome to my world,
Won't you come on in?
Miracles, I guess,
Still happen now and then,

Step into my heart,
Leave your cares behind,
Welcome to my world,
Built with you in mind,

Knock and the door will open,
Seek and you will find,
Ask and you'll be given,
The key to this world of mine,

I'll be waiting here,
With my arms unfurled,
Waiting just for you,
Welcome to my world!

(Lyrics by Ray Winkler and John Hathcock
(Midi arrangement by Mickey McBride)


Hi there! My name is Danielle. Thanks for dropping by! I'm always changing things around in here, so I hope you'll bookmark my page and come back again!

Let me tell you a little about myself. I'm a wife and mother of two wonderful girls; Ariane 11, and Justine 9. They're pretty special, but I guess I'm a little bit partial! LOL! My husband's name is Roger. He's a great guy, as long as he lets me get my way, which is most of the time! LOL!

We live in a small Northern Ontario town called Smooth Rock Falls. I'm not sure if it's even on the map, but it's along the northern corridor of Highway 11. This area is often referred to as "The Great White North". Why, you ask? Well, that's because for approximately 8 months out of 12, we're covered in snow! (I'm exaggerating just a tad here! LOL!) Just to give you an idea of exactly how much snow we get up here, check out this pic...

On second thought, I guess I wasn't exaggerating all that much!

Now, you may wonder why anyone in their right mind would choose to live so far north? Well, in my case, I didn't have much choice. There's an old French Canadian saying that goes.. "Qui prend mari, prend pays!" Roughly translated... "Follow your man!" Oh well, enough said for now.

In case your curious, this is what my husband and I look like... (Okay, okay.. so this pic is a few years old, but the basic features are still the same!) You know how it is as you get older, add a few gray hairs here, a few wrinkles (read laugh lines) there, and voila! a more mature version of the hubby and I!! You'll just have to take my word for it that we haven't changed all that much since this pic was taken...

Here are our girls on a recent trip to Disney World. That's Ariane on the right... my brown-haired, green-eyed belle! and Justine on the left... my curly blond-haired, blue-eyed cherub! I guess there's no need to tell you who that handsome fellow in the middle is!! LOL! To find out more about the girls, please visit The Girls' Room.

Please, please take the time to sign my guest book and let me know what you think of my webpage. If you have any ideas on how I could improve it, please share them. Constructive criticism cheerfully accepted!

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Please check out these poems and links to my internet friends' sites!

The Girls' Room - Ariane and Justine tell all!
You Are Special - A cyber greeting for all your special online friends!
*NEW* - My Online Friend
*NEW* - Childhood Friends
*NEW* - Be An Angel
Yesterday, Today And Tomorrow - A thought inspiring poem!
The House By The Side Of The Road - A guideline for life...
The Face In The Glass - A poem to make you think...
God's Masterpiece - A lovely poem!
The Light - An original poem by yours truly!
Ocean Blue Eyes - Another beautiful poem!
My Kid Sister's Webpage - Real cute!
Leeanne's Escape - My Bestest Friend's Site!
#Pavlova on the Undernet - My good friend Sharon's Site!
My cousin Faith's site - A must-see!!!
Eugenia Last's Great Astrological Forecasts and more!
The Quiet One's Poetry and Links
