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Jul., 1999 A colossal meteorite impacts with Earth, coming to rest on South Atalia Island.  Investigation reveals that it is an alien spacecraft.  It is code named ASS-1 (Alien Star Ship 1) . Public announcements are that an asteroid 3 km in diameter, composed of great quantities of metal, impacted with Earth.  The matter is treated as top secret until the chaos and confusion are brought under control. What begins as an emergency meeting between the heads of the US and CIS becomes an assembly of all nations.

Aug., 1999 UN Investigating Teams organized.  Precise, accurate, minute investigation of ASS-1 begins.  South Atalia Island designated UN sphere of jurisdiction.

Dec, 1999 According to first report of the study of ASS-1, it is discovered that the alien spacecraft is a warship, and some of its crew were fully five times the size of human beings.  Terrified by the all too real prospect of invasion from deep space, a project is begun to unite Earth into one nation.

Mar, 2000 Otech Corporation, a research organization analyzing the alien technology, is established through joint Japanese-US-CIS-German-English-French collaboration.

Apr, 2000 Development of weapons systems for use in combat against the giant aliens begins.

Jun, 2000 Aliens' existence formally announced (excepting the fact of their size, which is kept top secret). Following this, framing plan for United Earth Government officially proclaimed.

Jul., 2000 Outbreak of conflict in the Middle East. The disputes, rebellions civil unrest and wars frequently occurring hereafter in various parts of the world come to be known , as the Global Civil War.  Construction of Moon Base Copernicus begins.

Oct., 2000 Construction of the gigantic permanent Apollo Lunar Base begins in the Sea of  Tranquillity, later known as Moon Base  Archimedes.

Jan, 2001 United Earth Government inaugurated. Founding Prime Minister, Harlan J Niven. United Earth Forces established.

Feb., 2001 Repair and remodeling of ASS-1 for use as main battleship of United Earth Forces begins, with Otech Corporation as heart of  project.  ASS-1 renamed SDF-1 (Super Dimensional Fortress 1)  "Macross", the apparent name of  the vessel in the language of its original owners.  Estimated date of launch: May, 2006.  Much of Earth's industrial economy is diverted to the space effort.

Mar, 2001 Announcement of the discovery of a large number of major material science advances by Otech.

May, 2001 Construction of giant space manufacturing station begins at L-5, in Lunar orbit.

Jul., 2001 Construction of a permanent base on Mars, named Serra, begins.  Civilians begin to immigrate to South Atalia Island, to work on repair of SDF-1.  South Atalia Island renamed Macross Island.

Aug., 2001 Theory of SDF-1's thermonuclear Reflex system explained.  Reflex Engines still a mystery.

Sep., 2001 The Destroid System ground combat anti giant weaponry, begins trial production.

Nov., 2001 Theory of firing system for SDF-1's main cannon explained.

Feb., 2002 Tentative plan introduced for variable all purpose combat system for use against the giants.

Mar, 2002 Grand Cannon Theory finished.

May, 2002 Construction of United Earth Military Anti-Stellar-Warfare Headquarters begins, in Alaska.  On the same site, Grand Cannon  No. 1 is begun.

Jul., 2002 First Battle for Macross Island fought against the Anti Unification Forces.

Nov., 2002 First successful test of an Earth made Protoculture Reflex plant, at Otech Corporation in Japan. What is known of the principles behind Protoculture is kept top secret.

Apr, 2003 Construction of Armored Series of space carriers begins, as well as space destroyers, at the L-5 manufacturing station.

Nov., 2003 In a factory beneath Moon Base Archimedes, using feedback from repair work on SDF-1, construction begins on SDF-2 , a massive space battleship purely of terrestrial design.

Mar, 2004 Construction on Grand Cannon No. 2 begins in the Australian Autonomous Region.

Sep., 2004 Super miniaturized Protoculture power plant finished by Otech. Understanding of alien technologies minimal but sufficient to adapt systems on SDF-1 to Terran weaponry and mechanisms.

Oct., 2004 Grand Cannon No. 3 planned in South America, in the Brazil Autonomous Region.

Nov., 2004 Increases in defense expenses for the SDF-1 Restoration Project cause deterioration of  world economy, forcing drastic delays   in the restoration.

Jan, 2005 Rioting breaks out in Kazakhstan, Central Asia Autonomous Region.  The Second Battle for Macross Island is fought.

Mar, 2005 The first Oberth-Class Space Destroyer  is commissioned.

Apr, 2005 Harlan J Niven, Founding Prime Minister of the United Earth Government, is assassinated.  His successor is Robert A.   Rhysling.

Jul., 2005 Frequent occurrences of guerrilla warfare all over North America.

Aug., 2005 Withdrawal from Mars Base Serra after threat of destruction by the Anti Unification League.

Sep., 2005 To inaugurate the Anti Unification League's Space Force, the third Oberth-class Space  Destroyer to be commissioned, is   hijacked and, in that raid, the return fleet from Mars is  destroyed.  A UEG Space Destroyer quickly tracks down and destroys   the rogue ship.

Nov., 2005 In a retaliatory attack, the UEG's Grand Cannon No. 2 is destroyed during construction in  Australia. Efforts moved to Grand   Cannon No. 3 in Brazil.

Dec, 2005 The giant semi submersible aircraft carrier Prometheus, CVS-101  (later designated simply as "assault carrier"), is commissioned.  The term "Robotech Mecha"  used for Robotic Technology Mechanism use.

Mar, 2006 Grand Cannon No. 4 planned in the Lunar North Polar Region.

Apr, 2006 The gigantic assault landing ship Daedalus, SLV-111, is commissioned.

May, 2006 Outbreak of the Third Battle for Macross Island.

Jun, 2006 Decision made to develop the MBR-04 series of Destroids.

Oct., 2006 In the Central Russia Administrative Region, the Anti Unification League Army uses tactical nuclear weapons to annihilate St. Petersburg.

Nov., 2006 Battle for Macross Island ends.

Jan, 2007 Global Civil War concluded.  Training Center for crew of SDF-1 established on Macross Island.

Mar, 2007 The modified F-14 Tomcat, VF-X1, prototype of the variable fighters machines, begins flight testing.

May, 2007 Stationing of Destroids aboard the SLV-111 Daedalus begins.

Jul., 2007 Grand Cannon No. 5 planned in the Victorian Autonomous Region, Africa.

Sep., 2007 MBR-04 mk IV Destroid Tomahawk enters service.

Oct., 2007 Testing of the VF-X1's usefulness in space begins.

Nov., 2007 Moon Base Copernicus is completed.

Mar, 2008 Decision made to formally introduce the VF-X1. Mass production of the VF-1 series begins.  Variable Fighter series code-  named "Valkyries".  First recorded usage of the words  "Veritech Mecha" as an abbreviation of  Variable Technology  Mechanism.

May, 2008 Space Carrier ARMD-1 and ARMD-2 commissioned.

Oct., 2008 ARMD-3 and ARMD-10 commissioned. ARMD-10 is a new design, specialized (unlike the  others) for Valkyrie Veritechs.

Feb., 2009 HWR-00 mk I Destroid Monster enters service.

Mar, 2009 VF-1 series begins deployment for actual combat. (However, usage is limited to aircraft configuration only, for reasons of   internal security.) .  ARMD-4 and ARMD-5 commissioned.  ADR-04 mk X Destroid Defender enters service.

Jun 23, 2009 Launching ceremonies for SDF-1 Macross scheduled.

Jun 27, 2009 A Zentraedi fleet, commanded by Breetai, arrives in Earth orbit.  Outbreak of First Robotech War between Earth and the Zentraedi. ARMD-01, -02, -03 and  -10, as well as four Oberth-class   Space Destroyers, are destroyed in the initial battle.  Macross makes a serious error in Fold navigation, sending it, without the Fold system, to the edge of the solar system.

Jul., 2009 ARMD carrier production resumes.  City completed within Macross.

Jul. 22, 2009 Macross Transformation.

Aug., 2009 ARMD-6 commissioned. SDR-04 mk XII Destroid Phalanx enters service.

Sep. 14, 2009 Macross engages in the Battle of Saturn's Rings. Daedalus Maneuver first used.

Oct., 2009 ARMD-7 commissioned.

Jan, 2010 ARMD-8 commissioned.

Feb. 9, 2010 Macross' main engines sabotaged.

Feb. 12, 2010 Macross engages in Battle of Mars Base. Mars Base Serra is destroyed in the battle.

Feb. 15, 2010 Max Sterling and Ben Dixon are assigned to the Vermilion team of Black squadron, Rick Hunter commanding.

Apr, 2010 Macross shipboard TV station begins broadcasting.

May 2010 First Officer Lisa Hayes and several pilots are captured by the Zentraedi, and are interrogated by Dolza, the Zentraedi Supreme Commander.  The officers manage to escape back to the SDF-1.  At the same time as they are rescued, three micronized Zentraedi spies infiltrate the SDF-1.

Jun 12, 2010 Macross returns to Earth.  Captain Gloval reports his experiences to the General Staff.

Jun 25, 2010 Zentraedi Warlord Khyron launches an unauthorized attack on the SDF-1, sitting in the Pacific Ocean.

Jul. 8, 2010 Zentraedi ace pilot Miriya Parino launches her first attack against the SDF-1, and is beaten by Max Sterling.  Roy Fokker is killed in the battle.

Jul. 21, 2010 Rick Hunter is promoted as the SDF-1's Commander Air Group, replacing Roy Fokker.

Jul. 28, 2010 During an attack by Zentraedi star ships on the SDF-1 in Earth's atmosphere, Toronto and much of the surrounding countryside   is destroyed when Macross' omnidirectional barrier overloads.  Zentraedi Commander Breetai given command of the Imperial "Ado" class fleet.

Aug. 14, 2010 Macross, under orders to sortie away from Earth, once again leaves Earth's atmosphere.  Zentraedi spies return to their fleet, and report their findings. Zentraedi soldiers begin to be "contaminated" by Earth culture.

Nov., 2010 Grand Cannon No. 1 completed in Alaska.

Apr 13, 2011 The Zentraedi launch a major assault against the SDF-1, taking advantage of the Daedalus attack.  Macross City is badly damaged in the fighting, though the Zentraedi are beaten back.  Zentraedi begin seeking refuge aboard Macross.

May 15, 2011 Lisa Hayes returns to Earth in an attempt to convince the United Earth High Command to use the Zentraedi defectors as a starting point for negotiations with the Zentraedi.

May 29, 2011 The interstellar wedding of the human Maximillian Sterling and the Zentraedi Miriya Parino is broadcast.

Jun 18, 2011 A peace agreement is reached between Macross and Breetai's fleet.  Dolza's Grand Fleet of 4.8 million war ships arrives in solar system, leaving the Tirolian Empire virtually undefended.  Earth is heavily bombarded from orbit.  Dolza's fleet annihilated through Operation "Lynn Minmei".

Jul., 2011  First Robotech War ends. Atmospheric purification operation executed.

Nov., 2011 United Earth Government reestablished. Education and micronization of Zentraedi begins.

May, 2012 Construction of New Macross City well underway.  Restoration of Nature Project begins.

Jun, 2012 Construction begins anew on SDF-2 Megaroad , at New Macross, the ship having been transferred from Moon Base Archimedes.  First mixed breed birth, to Max and Miriya Sterling.

Nov., 2012 UEG appropriates funds for the development of new classes of Veritechs, Destroids, and combat spacecraft.

Dec, 2012 Repairs to Breetai's ship are completed, and it is recommissioned as the flagship of the New United Forces.  Percentage of Zentraedi converted to Micronians exceeds 50%.

May, 2013 Part of Skull squadron sent to South America to train the pilots there on new combat routines, Max Sterling commanding.

Aug., 2013 Rioting by Zentraedi the world over begins occurring. Patrols begin for sake of  maintaining public law and order.  Skull squadron recalled from South America.

Sep., 2013 Study of plan for project for voyage to Robotech Masters' home world begins.

Oct., 2013 Armed resistance by Zentraedi breaks out.  Operation to seize Factory Satellite begins.  Robotech Masters depart for Earth.

Nov., 2013 Factory Satellite arrives at Earth, soon breaking down.  Extensive repairs will be needed for even partial function of the facility.  Factory Satellite is renamed Space Station Liberty.  Pretoxican shock team destroys building in Tokyo.  Zentraedi attack on New Detroit leads to the capture of a sizing chamber.  Khyron's group goes into action, holding Lynn Minmei hostage.  VF-4 Lightning Veritech begins to enter service as the new standard variable fighter.

Dec 24, 2013 Khyron captures a Protoculture Generator.

Jan 8, 2014 Battle for New Macross City. SDF-1 and -2 are destroyed.  Plans for Pioneer mission to Tirol are made public.

Feb., 2014 Several Nations declare independence of the UEG.

Mar, 2014 Zentraedi Control Zone is defined.  RDF surrounds the Zone with troops and tries to minimize the Zentraedi threat.  Skull squadron liberates Brazilian Grand Cannon.

May, 2014 XDF-1 test fails.  Crew killed.

Jun, 2014 Skull squadron transferred to Monument City.

Aug., 2014 XDF-2 test fails. Crew reported as missing, presumed dead.  First Tokugawa-class battle carrier commissioned.  Mars Base Langdon, and Saturn Base, in the ring of Saturn, are quickly established.

Feb., 2015 15 Armies of the Southern Cross is formally established.  Construction of the Monument City Southern Cross Headquarters is  begun.   Banshee-class escorts enter service.

Apr, 2015 VHT-1 Veritech Hover tank enters field testing as a part of the Army Of The Southern Cross.

May, 2015 Breetai's flagship, the last operational Zentraedi vessel remaining in Earth space, is decommissioned, and its parts form the core of the new SDF-3 Pioneer, now being designed at the Robotech Factory Satellite.

Aug., 2015 EBSIS captures a Protoculture generator.  Soviets begin to produce their own Mecha.

Jan, 2016 More nations declare independence of UEG.

Feb., 2016  Zentraedi uprisings increase in severity.

Mar 5-19, 2016 Zentraedi uprisings reach their climax.

Mar 14, 2016 CVS-107 Chronos sunk.

Apr, 2016 Zentraedi warship appears in Jupiter Orbit. The Tokugawa battle carrier disables it.

Oct., 2017 Development of the new Destroids begins.

Dec, 2017 Raijan Conflict begins.

May, 2018 Drelann Rau rebels seize nuclear missile site in Central Iberia.

Jun, 2018 Raijan Conflict ends.

Aug., 2018 Command staff of the SDF-3 selected, and the ship's construction is begun.

Apr, 2019 ADR-10 Mk I Catapult enters service.

May, 2019 CVS-111 Pluto transferred to the Southern Cross Navy.

Apr, 2021 MBR-09 mk II Gladiator enters service.

Jul., 2021  Z1 REF Zentraedi Battle Pod enters service.

Nov., 2021 Z2 REF Zentraedi Officer's Pod enters service.

Dec, 2021 MBR-10 mk II Excalibur enters service.

2022-2023 Troops for REF are selected. Ultimately, including troops, ships' crews, reserves, support, and dependents, 210,000 humans and 23,000 Micronian Zentraedi will make the journey to Tirol.

Mar, 2022 ADR10 mk II Shark enters service.

Dec, 2022 Invid invade Tirol, conquering it swiftly.  Hunters are wed.  SDF-3 Pioneer Battle Fortress and it's escorts depart for Tirol.  Southern Cross takes possession of all RDF bases and facilities. Apollo Lunar base is redesignated Moon Base Luna.  The Factory Satellite (aka SS Liberty) folds one final time to the asteroid belt, to serve as a hyperspace relay station to the fleet.

2023-2028 (Earth) Southern Cross Battloids and AJACS are developed.

Jan, 2023 (Fleet) REF arrives in the Valivarre system and begins to liberate Tirol from the Invid.  First Invid War begins.

Mar 3, 2023 (Fleet) Scott Bernard born on Tirol.

Jul., 2023  (Fleet) Tiresia Base is completed and staffed by REF troops. Massive relief effort for the Tirolian citizenry begins.

Aug, 2023 (fleet) First test flight of Alpha prototype VAF-1X  fails.

Sept, 2023 (fleet) MBR-12 Destroid Condor enters service with the REF.

Jan, 2024 (Fleet) Sentinels' ship Farrago arrives at Tirol.  After heated debate,  much of the REF splits off from Tirol and joins the Sentinels.

May, 2024 (Earth) VF-10 Logan enters service as the premier Southern Cross light Veritech fighter.

Apr, 2025 (Fleet) Karbarra is liberated.  First of the Izumo class super dimensional battle fortresse nicknamed SDF-4 Thunderer, enters production.

May, 2025 (Fleet) VAF-2X Alpha pilotless prototype completed and tested.

Sep., 2025 (Fleet) Praxian campaign begins.

May, 2026 (Fleet) SF-6 Vulture space fighter enters service.

Dec, 2026 (Fleet) Praxis liberated. Sentinels proceed to Garuda.

Jan, 2027 (Earth) 13th AVAC base built.

May, 2027 (Fleet) VAF-3X (VF-1X, see Robotech RPG Book Eight) Alpha fighter test model enters production in limited numbers.

Nov., 2027 (Fleet) Garuda is liberated. Many soldiers breathe Garudan air, forcing the Sentinels to delay while the soldiers receive treatment.

Jan, 2028 (Fleet) Garfish-class Super Dimentional Destroyers enter service with REF.

Mar, 2028 (Earth) Anatole Leonard becomes Supreme Commander.  Southern Cross strengthens its forces, anticipating a new invasion. Prototype VFH-12 AJACS Variable Helicopters are pushed into active service.

Jun, 2028 (Fleet) Sentinels arrive at Haydon IV.

Jan, 2029 (Earth) Second Robotech War begins when the Robotech Masters descend en masse on Earth and destroy Earth's satellite network. Contact with Space Station Liberty is cut off. Robotech Masters arrive and attack Moon Base Langdon.  Contact with Saturn Base is lost, it's fate is unknown.

March, 2029 (fleet) Haydon IV liberated. Sentinels proceed to Spheris.

Sept., 2029 (Fleet) Carpenter leaves in Hannibal for Earth.  Edwards makes a secret pact with the Regent. (Earth) Hannibal arrives at Earth and is destroyed, taking a Robotech Master mother ship with it.  Carpenter warns Leonard that he can expect no more aid from the REF at this time.  (Fleet) Spheris is liberated.

Dec 8, 2029 (Earth) Robotech Masters' flagship destroyed over the ruins of the SDF-1. The Flower of Life grows readily all over Earth.  Much of the fighting dies out, but hostilities continue  for nearly another year.

Feb., 2030 (Fleet) First of the Ikazuchi class super dimensional heavy cruisers enters service.

Sept., 2030 (Fleet)  Spheris is liberated.

Apr, 2031 Fleet) Peryton is liberated; its 'curse' broken.  Sentinels decide to split up. Wolff, Hayes-Hunter, Exedore, and the Sterlings lead a portion of the fleet back to Tirol; the rest proceed to Optera under Richard Hunter.  Breetai discovers Edwards' treachery and is ordered arrested by Edwards. Breetai and his Zentraedi loyalists steal the battle carrier Valivarre and go into hiding.  Remaining Sentinels begin Opteran campaign.  The Regent arrives secretly on Tirol, and is assassinated by Edwards.  Ikazuchi-class cruisers enter service with REF.

May, 2031 (Fleet) Late Message arrives on Tirol from Space Station Liberty, requesting help from the REF to fight the Masters.  The Plenipotentiary Council, at Edwards' and Admiral Hayes-  Hunter's urging, orders a relief expedition be sent as soon as possible. Edwards recruits the ships and troops mostly from the group that has just returned from the Sentinels' expedition on Peryton, keeping his own loyalist troops close by.  Marcus Antonius leaves for Earth, with the 3rd Planetary Corps and the 5th REF Air Force and a large flotilla of destroyers and escorts to assist the Southern Cross' defense of Earth.  Colonel John Wolff is among the troops.  Soon after the relief group's departure, Edwards stages a coup on Tirol and holds the Plenipotentiary Council and the General Staff hostage. Breetai returns and attempts a  rescue mission, and is fatally wounded in the attempt.

June, 2031  REF Relief Group and 7th Marine Division arrive in Earth Space.  A portion of the fleet is sent to inspect the condition of Saturn Base.

Aug., 2031 (Fleet) Optera is captured.

Nov., 2031 (Fleet) The Sentinels and the Opteran Expedition return to Tirol Thanks to a betrayal by Edwards' most senior aide, Lieutenant General Horace Peckenham, the codes for Tirol's automatic defense systems are overridden, and the defenses are disabled. The combined loyalists rout Edwards' forces. Edwards is killed.  Peckenham is granted amnesty for turning on Edwards.  The Tirolian shipyards are destroyed in the fighting, damaging the ships on the building- ways and leaving the REF without naval construction capacity.  The REF enters into negotiation with the Sentinels, especially the Karbarrans, and makes plans to replace the vessels sent to Earth with Wolff with their new battle fortress, cruiser, and destroyer designs.  Plenipotentiary Council and REF are asked by Tirol's citizenry to administrate their world.

Dec, 2031 (Earth) EBSIS is the dominant world power, and adopts a hostile stance toward the UEG.  Concerned with the depleted state of the Southern Cross forces on Earth, Marcus Antonius and the REF commanders from the Relief Group establish six REF bases to defend Earth from a possible Invid invasion. REF Relief Group leaders establish close ties to the formidable Southern Cross presence still on the moon, at Moon Base Langdon.

Feb., 2032 (Earth) REF Relief Group commanders are given command of  Mars Base.

Dec, 2032 (fleet) VAF and VBF series Veritech fighters enter service.

Mar, 2033 (Fleet) Cyclone Variable Motercycles enter mass production.

Jan, 2034-2044 (Fleet) Construction of the Horizont class transatmospheric assault shuttles.

Apr, 2034 (Earth) Marcus Antonius, loaded with the Tirolian refugees and led by the 15th ATAC, folds out of Earth space for Tirol. The ship is scrapped on Tirol because of damage caused by the malfunctioning fold system.

May 13, 2034 (Earth) EBSIS launches preemptive strike against Germany. Passau is destroyed.

May 15, 2034 (Earth) Invid arrive, destroying both UEG and EBSIS.  Moon Base Archimemdes is swiftly destroyed.  Copernicus Base switches to minimul power in the hopes of avoiding an attack by the Invid.  Invid occupation begins.

Sep., 2034 (Earth) Invid forces rout last Southern Cross regulars.

Jun, 2035 (Fleet) Karbarran shipyards are retooled and begin to construct warships for the REF.  SDF-4 Thunderer enter service with the REF.

Mar, 2036 (Fleet) Fleet construction underway at the Karbarran shipyards.  Galaxy wide mop up operation against the Regent's remaining outposts commences.
(Earth) Atlantis Hive, just north of the Azores, is made operational.

Oct., 2036 (Fleet) Shadow device is conceived.

May, 2038 (Earth) Resistance movement gains much strength in North America and Europe.

Oct. 15, 2040 (Earth) Driven to desperation because of the failure of the REF to return, a coalition of North American resistance groups and a fleet from Saturn Base joint attack Reflex Point. Invid succeed in defending the hive, and in subsequent months, resistance in the Americas is completely crushed for the foreseeable future.  Lancer crashes to Earth, and is rescued by Carla from sympathizers.  Invid pull many troops from Europe to deal with the threat to Reflex Point, giving Saxony relief from Invid reprisals.  Traditional date for beginning of Third Robotech War/Second Invid War as rebels begin to truly organize.

Dec. 15, 2040 REF Mars Division and the 7th Marine Division arrive at Mars Base Langdon.

Jun, 2042 (Fleet) Battle of Kappa Pontis 4. Valiant severely damaged, but is saved by the fighters, under Michael Austin.

Sep., 2042 (Fleet) The cruiser Redoubtable is destroyed over Celis 3. Reports later indicate that the Invid are using the survivors for biological warfare experiments.

Feb., 2043 (Fleet) In preparation for the upcoming missions to Earth, the REF's 7th Marine Division, with 6000 troops and 2000 Veritechs, leaves mars Base Langdon to establish an advance attack base in South America, code named 'Point K'.

Apr, 2043 (Earth) Point K established by the 7th Marine Division.

Sep., 2043 (Earth) Invid troops mass in South America and successfully destroy Point K.

Sep. 14, 2043 (Earth) Mars Fleet arrives at Earth and is destroyed to the last ship. Survivors including Scott Bernard join the resistance.

Nov., 2043 (Fleet) Shadow drones perfected and added to arsenal. Shadow devices installed on Alphas, Betas and spacecraft. Nutron-S super dimensional nuclear missiles developed.

Jan, 2044 (Earth) Colonel Jonathan Wolff dies. Invid attack and destroy Soldiertown soon after.

Apr, 2044 (Earth) Invid simulagent, Ariel, is transmutated, and is inserted into Scott Bernard's resistance band near the ruins of Point K.

June, 2044 REF Main Fleet begins to arrive at Jupiter, setting up a small base,Jupiter Base Io.  When the Jupiter Fleet is assembled, they will launch their strike against the Reflex Point.

July, 2044 (Earth) Sera and Corg are transmutated.

Feb., 2045 (Earth) Scott Bernard's resistance band finds the city of Denver, which has been covered in ice.

June, 2045 REF Jupiter Fleet folds to the far side of the moon and begins final preparations and reconasance for the assault on Reflex Point.  The fleet still awaits the arrival of the SDF-3 from Tirol.

July 18, 2045 (Earth) Final attack on Reflex Point. The REF Jupiter Main Fleet makes it's attack.  For unknown reasons the SDF-3 doesn't arrive at earth space.  Invid leave Earth, destroying 89% of the REF Jupiter Fleet.  SDF-3 Pioneer is presumed lost in space.  Lt. Comdr. Scott Bernard and Commander Vince Grant lead a rescue mission in the cruiser Ark Angel to find the lost SDF-3.

Dec.,  2045  A small occupation force of Invid return to harvest the Flower of Life.

Feb.,  2046  Engineers at Moon Base Copernicus begin to modify a number of their Alpha fighters into the VDF-1A Delta Fighters ( see Robothec RPG Book Six, Super Alpha, pg. 106).


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