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Family Pics -- New ones at last!!

Me n' my Gramma :o)

Me n' my Grandpa! I was such a cutie! lol

My brother... Usually he's grumpier... :oP Just kiddin' Matty!

Me looking unimpressed... Did I say Matt was grumpy?? :oP

Oh, yes... gotta LOVE minibiking!!

Did I say I enjoy minibiking??

Older Pics... Probly already seen these...

Old pics... Grade 11, Grad Pic...

Newer pic...Not very good one, though... Limited selection folks...

My broder.

This is (from front to back) Daph (my cuz), Shannon (AKA ME!), Jen (my cuz), and Matt (my brother) in the front and Scott (Daph's brother) in the back.

This wasn't arranged to look like this, it just happened!
(Front to back)
Me (Shann), Daph, my "little" brother, Matt.

This is some family picture I found...
I'll bet you can't find me!
Actually, don't bother trying... I look a little goofy...

My little cousins... Heidi + Erika. In the background are some buds o' mine.

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