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Want some speed?
No not drugs...
Internet browsing speed!
Best of all.. completely free!

Simple... with a marvelous tool called Netsetter!   You see.. Netsetter uses revolutionary technology to boost greatly your internet connection speed. Unlike other such programs this one is free and works on any type of internet connection, whether it be dialup, cable or dsl technologies. Alone for signing up with them, you are put in a draw for a Mercedes Benz and $5,000 U.S.D funds.

Still not convinced??

What you are guaranteed to get with Netsetter:

  • Faster surfing speeds, in fact tested on 10 major shopping sites, some people reported up to a 120% speed increase!
  • A chance to win a mercedes benz car
  • Inclusion in the internet's premier research network
  • Inclusion in a draw to be able to win $5000 u.s.
  • A chance to able to refer up to 10 friends to the service at a rate of $5 a piece!

  • How does it work? Do I have to download anything?

    As a Netsetter, your Internet traffic is routed through servers on the Netsetter Network. These servers perform a number of valuable services to enhance access speed. The actual process uses sophisticated, patent-pending technology that allows the following:

    • Faster connection to websites:

      When you request a particular website, your browser must fetch an Internet (IP) address for that site. You will notice a message at the bottom of your page saying ' looking for website www.____'/. Normally, this can take a few valuable seconds before the address is found and your request is actually routed to the website. But with Netsetter, these addresses are stored in memory for sites already visited by other Netsetters. By eliminating the address search your wait time is reduced.

    • Quicker web page downloads:

      Using state-of-the-art data compression that goes well beyond that of a standard modem, Netsetter reduces the sheer volume of bits and bytes that are actually transmitted down to your machine.

    • Less time fetching static web pages and images:

      Using caching techniques typically available to large businesses, Netsetter saves static content and images -- that is, content that doesn't change very often -- on local storage media. Therefore, when a request is received for that content, it is immediately downloaded, avoiding the delay of sending the request to the original website.

    • Improved response time:

      Netsetter maintains high availability servers that instantly respond to your requests, rather than putting them in waiting queues as some overloaded web servers do. In addition, Netsetter optimizes connection settings to reduce delays due to communication "overhead."

    * Netsetter is currently only available these countries: U.S., Canada, New Zealand, the U.K., or Australia
    Click here to sign up

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