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Some info about roleplaying in the chatroom...

You can enter the chatroom whenever you want, but you need to register the first time you visit. The chatroom takes a while to load, but once you're inside it goes pretty fast. The chatroom works in a real-time mode, so it does not refresh every x seconds like many other chatrooms do. There are a few commands that you can use there:

There may be various other commands, but these are the ones I know. You can also whisper messages by pressing the whisper button, but this and other functions explain themselves, so I think it's unnecessary to explain them here.

Roleplaying in the chatroom...

    Sometimes I will organize a online AD&D session in the chatroom. Guest players are always welcome then, but they need to create an AD&D character and they need to understand the rules of AD&D. You may decide your scores, race, class, spells, equipment and abilities, but do not make your character too powerful. Not only it is boring to play an extremely powerful character (called "Munchkin"), but it also ruins the fun for the others. The RPG defenders also roleplay at regular times, but on a message board instead of a chatroom. If you want to know more about that just post a message on the RPG defenders message board.

About language and behaviour...

    Swearing and cursing is allowed, because sometimes it has to be used for correct roleplaying (the Death knight who breaks his sword on a fumble just doesn't say "oh, dear"). However, some words are beyond the limit, such as racistic expressions. I will never tolerate these things and those people who like to type such things are booted without warning. They are still allowed to return, though if they do it again they'll be banned FOREVER!!! If I doubt whether something crosses the line or not, I will give a warning first.

    Some people like to annoy others by continuously sending messages such as "@$%$&*)&#$%*(*^%#@@@^%*()", "Get rich quickly! Go to" or "......................................". Not everyone likes this so be warned as I am not the only one who has the right to boot.

Shining Force Online Roleplaying...

    A long time ago I asked if someone would be interested in Shining Force online roleplaying. The response was a little meager, but could be because my site is not really one of the most visited ones(see hit counter). If there are 2 or more people interested, I am willing to organize a few SHF online rpg sessions. Of course you could also organize them yourself. You may use the chatroom whenever you want. We still need rules for SHF roleplaying, though...

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