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God Bless America

Tony Perez
Bronx, NY

It was a little scary the first day. My daughter, Leslie works down in the wall street area and I spoke to her online at about 10:00 am. She told me she was leaving. She went offline and then on the news they showed the 1st tower collapsing. I did not hear from her and did not know where she was or if she was alive or hurt. She finally got in touch with me about 4:30pm. Thank God!!! I can't tell you how scared I was. Other than that all is as well as can be here. I am still in some kind of shock. Very hard to believe all that has happened and all that have died here at home. I'm sure you see it all on tv. The Bronx on Tuesday was as close to a ghost town that I have ever seen. Stores closed early, there were very few people on the streets, people crying. It was a terrible sight. It seemed a little better yesterday but it is hard to look at some of the people who are acting like nothing happened and look like they don't give a shit. I have lived in this country, this state, this city all my life. I have been talking about leaving NY for years, but after this I feel something, not sure what it is, that I somehow belong here. There is a small part of me that wants to get out of here now more than ever. Although there is very little civilians can do besides give blood, there is a sense of unity here among a lot of people.