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Coalition to Adopt Proportional Representation in Ontario

C.A.P.R.O. is a coalition of political parties and organizations with the short term goal of introducing some form of Proportional Representation in the electoral system for the Province of Ontario, through and within the democratic process.


  1. The current system is un-democratic:   Majority governments with no popular support are created.  The last three "majority" governments in Ontario had less than 50% of the popular support. Every vote must count ! The current system does not respect minorities.

  2. The current system creates instability:  Swings between one majority government to another on the opposite side of the political spectrum are common.  This creates instability and it is not good for the economy.

  3. The current system is unfair:   As a result of past elections, some of the parties (including major parties) received considerable voters' support, as a percentage of total number of votes cast, but gained no or little representation in government.

  4. The current system is antiquated: The current "single member plurality" was devised for a two-party system.  In today's complex society we do not have only left and right to choose from.  More choice in government means more accountability.

  5. The current system encourages deception and fraud:   Politicians are fighting for "all or nothing"; they need to "win at all costs" to be able to represent the voters, thus they tend to promise what they cannot maintain, they tend to look for support from special interest groups, from corporations, from powerful lobbies, etc., often breaking the law.  Often the elected politicians are not the most experienced, honest and respected, but the most "connected".



  1. The Ontario Election Act must be changed to provide some form of Proportional Representation.  This does not necessarily mean fully proportional.  For example, most countries in the world have a mixed system of representation.  Some form of proportional representation would reduce greatly all of the problems described above.  

  2. The Ontario Election Act can be changed in more than on way, but virtually any form of Proportional Representation would be superior to our current system, because society has changed and is more complex.  A variety of opinions must be heard.   Minorities must not be trampled over.

  3. Call or write to your MPP.   Raise this as an election issue.  Send an E-mail to your MPP or to the Premier of Ontario. Many of the major federal and provincial parties are already in favour of the idea.  The democratic process of change must be started.