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    Search Engines

  1. Types of Search Tools:
    • Directory Search Tool- Searches the databases by subject matter. This search engine is good for the type of searches with a topic in mind.
    • Search Engine Search Tool- Accesses database by using keywords. I like it because if I only have a keyword to work with, it's easy to locate what I'm looking for.
    • Combined Directory/Search Engine- Uses two methods in combination. This can be good when searching for a topic but may not be sure of it, and have a keyword too.
    • Multi-Engine- Uses several searches in parallel. Its very good for those big, variety type searches because this search engine uses all the resources on-line combined. I like it because it uses all the resources around.

  2. Search Tool Features Table:
    • You can search for a phrase usually by enclosing the phrase in double quotations. Some times capitalizing initial letters will cause the terms to be searched as a phrase.
    • Using BOOLEAN
      AND or + - means that you want these words to be searched for together
      AND NOT or - - means that the word be excluded
      OR- means that the one word "or" the other is acceptable
    • Not all search engines are case sensitive. Lower case is always safe to use.

  3. Search Engines-General Information: I think my favourite search engine would have to be Metacrawler, because its not only fast but uses a wide base of resources to locate information.

  4. Terminology of Web Terms:
    • URL stands for Uniform Resource Locator. It is the unique address used on the World Wide Web. You can access an address by clicking it.
    • Three interesting codes and suffixes:
      .com is a commercial site .edu is a government site .web for entities emphasizing activities related to the www
    • Addresses- used to connect to a site on the WWW.
      Codes and Suffixes- are added on to an address to determind where they came from.
      Boolean Expressions- let you narrow down your search.
      Case Sensitivity- means that the way you spell a word including capitalization, and punctuation affects the search.
      Brackets- used much like quote marks but with the additional factor that the words within the brackets will be considered and searched as a single entity.
      Plus and Minus Signs-
      use (+) before a term to retrieve a document containing the term.
      use (-) before a term to retrieve a document which excludes that term.
      Quote Marks- use "" around words to indicate a phrase.
      Hits- are documents or references to documents that are returned in response to a search.
      Query- a search request.