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i believe....

i believe in rainbows
i believe in sunshine
i believe that the world needs a little chaos to keep some ppl happy
i believe that everyone in the world needs a little happiness
i believe that fat ppl need love too
i believe that discrimination against homosexuals is wrong
i believe that homosexuals should have the same rights as heterosexuals
i believe that ppl of different races should all just get along!
i believe that bullying should be obsolete
i believe that racism is taught
i believe that racism should be obsolete as well
i believe that abortion should always be an option when necessary
i believe that children should respect their elders like they did a hundred years ago
i believe that if september 11 didnt happen, the world would be a better place
i believe that i have far too many weeds in my garden and i need to go and make it a better place too
i believe that televisions are on way too much
i believe that everyone has an opinion
i believe that ppl should respect them, even if they dont always agree
i believe that the most important feature in a person is their personality
i believe that looks should not be the most dominant trait in a person
i believe that poor ppl should have good luck more often
i believe that children should always be treated with respect
i believe that ppl should respect all types of music
i believe that open minds should be more prominent
i believe that good ppl outnumber bad ppl in this world
i believe that if ppl believe in each other, there will be less heartache in the world

and i believe in you.
