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Leah's Birthday

Leah my dear sweet baby

Im sitting here trying to search my soul for words fitting the occasion of your birth and my mind keeps wandering for a place to start. I know how it all ends and I know how it all started and I know most of all the in-between.

A man and a woman who today are very much in love and totally devoted to each other made love. Maybe not knowing that as they laid together that a miracle was happening in the womb of Leah's mother. Little did they know that this life they had just created would be the woman she is today.

I'm sure they knew as the first breaths came crying out of her innocent lips and rang in the ears of all that witnessed her arrival that she was truly a miracle.

So that's how we are all so blessed today. That is how it began that I may be sitting her in tears so thankful that this baby was born. The chance that we would meet and spend one of her 27 years loving and exploring could have never in a million years been foretold. And never in a million years would I trade this experience in my life.

This woman became my teacher and my savior. I learned to love because she let me know her and I found so much to love. She slowly healed wounds in my heart that were sucking the life out of me. She made me laugh and cry and every warm emotion that stands between. She lets me touch her in this special way that gives me more smiles than a man deserves. Through her I now know what my whole life has been missing. I know a love that renews itself with every breath.

There is nothing I can give her......Nothing is big enough to pay for what cried out that morning in 72 and came to be with me. I don't know where to shop so I give her what she gives me.

I give her me. I Love You Leah