Letter from Mayor of St. Louis, Missouri

Retyped text of letter from Mayor of St. Louis, Missouri ---

[The Common Seal of The City of St. Louis]


Freeman R. Bosley, Jr.

City Hall - Room 200
1200 Market Street
Saint Louis, Missouri 63103-2877
(314) 662-3201
Fax: (314) 622-4061

March 3, 1995

Victoria Fortner
Global Peace Walk '95
c/o the Yucca Foundation
1827 Haight Street, Suite #85
San Francisco, CA 94117

Dear Ms. Fortner:

On behalf of the City of St. Louis I extend greetings and support to the United Nations
50th Anniversary Global Peace Walk '95
. It is befitting that this undertaking commenced on the Birthday of the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. who devoted his entire life praying for non-violence and peace.

Throughout our world, today, there is a plethora of tension and strife. Far too many nations are preoccupied with civil unrest and military warfare. However, senseless loss of life, liberty, and property can be diminished once mankind regains a vision of world peace.

I pray that your spiritual journey touches the hearts and minds of our national leaders.
It takes all nations working together striving for peace, unity and harmony in order for this to be a better world.

I extend my best wishes for a safe and peaceful journey.



Freeman R. Bosley, Jr.
MAYOR ----------end retyped text