Newark, New Jersey, Mayor's letter

--------------retyped text of Newark, New Jersey, Mayor's letter

[City Seal]

Sharpe James

Newark, New Jersey

January 19, 1995

The "Global Peace Walk Project"
1827 Haight Street, Suite 85
San Francisco, California 94117

Dear Friends:

On behalf of the citizens of Newark, New Jersey, the largest and most ethnically diverse city in the Garden State, I would like to convey my best wishes to the participants of the United Nations' 50th Anniversary "Global Peace Walk."

I strongly commend you on your worthwhile efforts to extend the spirit of justice, unity and, most importantly, peace from shore to shining shore in America, and all around the world.

As Mayor of a truly rich and diverse community, where people of various races, ethnicities, nationalities and religions live together, we salute your efforts to raise the world community's consciousness on the importance of achieving peace and prosperity for all of humanity.

May your odyssey of peace from New York to San Francisco serve as a reminder to treat everyone with the respect and dignity that we expect for ourselves, as well as a beacon of hope for each and every American to strive toward.

All the best !

Sincerely yours,


Sharpe James Mayor


--------------end retyped text of Newark NJ Mayor's letter