03Dec03 - Beloved Community Walks for Global Harmony
January 15, 2004, 11:00 AM
Fujii Guruji Beating Drum Walking with Mahatma Gandhi
First Friday Harbor Flyer, in WordPad
See other posts with messages about Walking for Global Harmony at Study Group List Archives
From: Mark C Billington ammahsdad@yahoo.com
To: joseph flynn joseflynn@msn.com;
David Crocket Williams gear2000@lightspeed.net
Subject: sweet and simple international version; Walk for Global Harmony
Date: Wednesday, December 03, 2003 3:12 PM
Beloved Community
Walk for Global Harmony
January 15, 2004
11:00 a.m. individual local times
The Beloved Community Walk for Global Harmony lasts 24 hours all around the
A united spirit of harmony offers a common goal for all humanity.
People will join together January 15, 2004 at their own 11:00 a.m. local
time to walk about one mile for global harmony.
This event is offered free
from political and religious polarities.
People worldwide are asked to
initiate a Walk for Global Harmony in their own beloved community.
December 3, 2003
Do you
03Dec03 - Beloved Community Walks for Global Harmony
January 15, 2004, 11:00 AM
Beloved Community Walks for Global Harmony
January 15, 2004, 11:00 AM
The Beloved Community Walks for Global Harmony
Last 24 hours all around the world on
Martin Luther King's Birthday.
A united spirit of harmony offers a common goal for all humanity
Around the world people will join together January 15, 2004
at their own 11:00 AM local time to walk about one mile for
global harmony. This event is offered free from political and
religious polarities. Peoples worldwide are asked to initiate
The Walks for Global Harmony in their own beloved community.
Beloved Community Walks for Global Harmony
Empower The American Peace March 2003-2004
This continues the daily 11:00 A.M. one-mile walks
in cities and towns throughout America, forming
dotted lines on a map that all flow together until
United in San Francisco on Sunday February 29, 2004.
Please help initiate a Walk for Global Harmony
in your beloved community.
[Beloved Community Walks for Global Harmony Initiation:]
Friday Harbor
Friday Harbor is on San Juan Island in the Northwest corner
of Washington State. During a boundary dispute in 1859,
while both British and American civilians co-occupied the
island, an American farmer shot a British pig as it dug up
his potato garden. This event triggered the Pig War. After
four months of pointing big guns at each other, the nations
agreed to separate their militaries into today's National Park
sites: British and American Camps. Soldiers stayed through
the Civil War until a third party was chosen to arbitrate;
Kaiser Wilhelm I, Emperor of Germany. He announced
in 1872 that the island would be American. The map line
drawn between San Juan and Vancouver Islands was the
final segment between USA and Canada to be decided,
the longest border in the world's history to have remained
at peace for the longest time.
San Juan Island is the last place British and American militaries
faced each other prepared for war. British Camp, the last location
in today's United States that the British military were stationed,
is the only site in the USA where the Union Jack may fly atop a
flagpole without a US flag above, honoring the British for
accepting the third-party arbitration. The pig remained
the event's only casualty of war.
From the lawn of Friday Harbor's courthouse,
the Walk for Global Harmony will head down
Second Street to Spring Street, then to the waterfront,
circling Memorial Park and up the left side of Spring Street
to Spring Street School. Cross Spring to walk down the
left side to First Street and back up to the courthouse.
Friday Harbor Coordinator: Mark C. Billington (360) 378-6154
-- Initiator of the Beloved Community Walks for Global Harmony
-- December 02, 2003 ["I" = MC^B] Beloved Harmony Walker
Beloved Community Walks for Global Harmony Everywhere!
January 15, 2004, 11:00 AM City Hall, Walk Around The Block
By your walking too, coming near you, to your City Hall soon!
---------------mcb/dcw, 03Dec03 - 12:43amPST
David Crockett Williams 661-822-3309
Chartered Life Underwriter
Bachelor Science Chemistry
Global Emergency Alert Response 2000
Steps for Peace "Truth Force Walk"
17Oct Maine - DC 11-12Nov - SF 29Feb
American Peace March 2003-2004
DC 24Oct - 29FebSF * SF20Mar - DC 24Oct
Red Silk Road Peace March 2003-2004
USA, California, Japan, Korea, China, Nepal,
India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Jerusalem,
Europe, USA, La Paz: Si, Se Puede! 2003-2004
Spirituality as the highest form of politics
Beloved Global Community Spiritual Unity Re-Awakening