The Green Energy Revolution
Inviting Green Energy Revolution activists to use
The Great Warming movie offering climate change solutions
Dear Friends and fellow peace and environment activists;
Narrated by Alanis Morissette and Keanu Reeves
For those of us interested in supporting our climate stabilization
activism with an income, by offering a way for individuals to
help address the problem, by saving money on their energy bills
while at the same time “greening” their homes and vehicles
with products that also cut pollutions and carbon dioxide emissions:
Please check out my new website below and also the site above
for the new movie coming out, a Canadian documentary being
release in US theaters in late October where you can go to your
local showings and hand out literature, email folks until then to
promote the film, “the best documentary on global warming
ever made”, and make a big difference to folks interested in
substantially lowering their electricity and gasoline bills by
referring them to my new website below for more details.
This is a great opportunity to foment the “Green Power
Revolution” to open the minds of the public to how we
can take personal actions to solve global warming while
saving money on energy bills at the same time. A classic
win-win approach which can pay the activists a good income
while fomenting this “Energy Revolution” for global climate
stabilization, for those with the inclination to develop a
part time green energy referral business in their spare time.
Those who want to take advantage of this themselves can
buy products from such a customized website as my new
one below, to cut their energy costs by more than the cost
of the products for homes, businesses and vehicles. Those
who want to get involved in this grassroots climate crisis
remedy “clean power products” referral distribution network
can also sign on to get their own customized website like mine
below where folks can purchase these products and also sign
on as energy consultants to offer these products through their
own analogous customized website for very little cost and the
good feeling of making their homes and vehicles “carbon neutral”
by using the “green tag” renewable energy certificates that help
fund future wind turbines and offset the pollutions from our
homes and vehicles.
Experts have figured out that the wind power in the Midwest
alone, if harnessed would replace all of the coal and oil and
gas fired and nuclear power plants in the country, and also
produce enough hydrogen to run all our vehicles nationally
by electrolyzing water with the extra wind generated
electricity, in fact THREE TIMES OVER!
In my case, after decades of volunteer full time activism
in the peace, justice, and environment movement, my
situation changed a month ago and I moved back to
Tehachapi with the need to get some income happening.
I put out this word and a friend with the New Energy Movement
organization who knows the people behind the Krystal Planet
energy companies referred this group to me just like I am doing
to you now. I checked it out and signed on to help them develop
this networking program nationally, and in my local area especially
in California where it is fairly new, after their few years of
operation offering green tags, solar, wind, and hydrogen power
systems as well as a host of devices, one guaranteed to cut
vehicle fuel consumption by at least 10% with less pollution
and more power, another guaranteed to cut home and business
electricity usage and bills at least 10%, and most of the time
much more on each, towards home and business clean energy
self sufficiency.
This film has several national corporate sponsors including our
Krystal Planet energy companies and the Swiss Re reinsurance
company, as well as a number of nonprofit sponsors and endorsers
including Friends of the Earth, Earth Day Network, Union of
Concerned Scientists, USCAN Climate Action Network,
Climate Institute, Environmental Energy Study Institute,
World Affairs Council, the Climate Trust, and also a number
of faith based groups such as the National Council of Churches,
Earth Ministry, Coalition on the Environment and Jewish Life,
and the Association for Religion and Ecology. Along with the
scientists and climate movement leaders interviewed in this
film is also an officer of the National Association of Evangelicals.
The film is beautifully shot in eight countries on four continents
and its US national debut is coming up in about two months.
This is a great focus to share by forwarding this message to
your contacts and activists lists to see the suggestions and
resources on the movie website, and also on my new site
below where folks can join my team nationally to help with
this campaign and finally put some green energy behind our
dedicated activism on this and related issues.
Thanks for sharing this information with your friends and
networks as soon as possible to get the buzz going for
success of awakening the American public to the problems
and solutions associated with our climate crisis by seeing
and studying The Great Warming movie and its website.
Here in Tehachapi our local theater owner booked
“The Great Warming” for Saturday October 21 when
at his suggestion we will also have a Community Energy
Expo in the parking lot behind the theater with booths
and exhibits on this theme, as well as a few brief speakers
in the theater before and after the movie including a report
from the New Energy Movement on their conference next
month near Washington DC.
Please email me directly, off-list, at:
David Crockett Williams
General Agency Services
Tehachapi, California
Energy Consultant, ECo sponsor
PS I have flat rate long distance service so if
you want to discuss this on the phone, call me
and leave your phone number or email it to me
with general best time of day to call and I will
phone you and discuss this Green Energy Campaign.
If you join me in this effort I will phone you as needed.
My “save the world hobby site” is still:
Global Emergency Alert Response
You can also join the Green Energy Revolution Yahoogroup
for latest updates on this campaign, also in public archives at:
(this email is posted also at/as:)
rev August 30, 2006