Culture of Peace Walk 2005

Calling for UN 60th 2005 Culture of Peace Walk

SF June 26, NYC UN October 24

United Nations 60th Anniversary

Culture of Peace Walk 2005

San Francisco CA - June 26, 2005
(60th anniversary of UN Charter signing)

New York City, UN Building - October 24, 2005
(60th anniversary of UN Charter ratification)

In respect of the United Nations 1995-2004 International Decade of the World's Indigenous Peoples, offering the indigenous peoples' sacred circle of hands ceremony and council event format by example of practicing and demonstrating it while walking across country from San Fancisco to New York,

In respect of the UN's 2001-2010 International Decade of Creating a Culture of Peace and Nonviolence for the Children of The World, per the UNESCO Global Culture of Peace Manifesto 2000:

-- United Nations Education, Scientific and Cultural Organization --

Become a Global Culture of Peace Messenger!

The initiation here of this idea for a cross country peacewalk from SF to NY, with local support walks in various communities locally, is dedicated to the teachings and historical precedents of the global indigenous cultures of peace, and is inspired by the intercultural perspectives on the teachings of nonviolence also exemplified by the lives of such leaders as Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Cesar Chavez, Mitch Snyder, Nichidatsu Fujii, Sathya Sai Baba.