The Great Planetary Peace Pilgrimage
Return to Tukunavi
The Great Planetary Peace Pilgrimage
Return to Tukunavi
April 4, 1983 to May 17, 1983
A World Peace March
From: Santa Barbara, California
To: The Black Mesa, Arizona
For the direct cause of true peace, harmony among all life,
and free natural abundance as paradise on Earth.
The Tetronic Age Begins
from a peace walk conducted, during January of 1978 from
Santa Barbara to the Santa Monica annual meeting of the
International Cooperation Council, for the purpose of
introducing the participating monks of Nipponzan Myohoji
to the great Hopi interpreter Thomas Banyacya. That Great
American Peace Pilgrimage was begun at a sunrise prayer
ceremony in Isla Vista conducted by a local Chumash spiritual
leader who sent the owl clan prayer staff along with the peace walk.
The Great Planetary Peace Pilgrimage, a World Peace March,
is conceived to be an intercultural event whose participants
from many cultural, national, and religious backgrounds walk
together and live together in a peace camp community which
travels across the land demonstrating the power of mental unity.
Routes are planned to span the planet and let the message
be spread through the available media that all human beings
can live in peace and harmony regardless of language and
belief differences, without violence or the threat of violence.
THE RED SYMBOL was employed to this end on July 4, 1974,
to deliver the knowledge of Tetron following portents of
the fulfillment of prophecy relating to the direct cause of
true peace, harmony among all life and free natural
abundance as paradise on Earth. Again on June 6, 1977,
the red symbol was employed on the first four days of
the Great Planetary Peace Pilgrimage covering the distance
on foot from Oraibi to The Black Mesa area in northeastern Arizona.
TUKUNAVI is an aboriginal name for this area regarded
for centuries as the spiritual heart center of our planet,
and an area that scientific tests reportedly confirm has
uniquely powerful geo-electric activity. On June 12, 1977,
a sacred dedication was made at the end of that peace
pilgrimage to inspire from Tukunavi a universal nation
of light for our family of life. The site of this dedication
is the destination for the "Return to Tukunavi" route of
The Great Planetary Peace Pilgrimage scheduled from
Santa Barbara, California.
SANTA BARBARA, CALIFORNIA holds a position of world
leadership in the modern era of correct thought beginning
as the Tetronic Age. Bridging science and religion with
political and economic ideologies, the Tetronic Age
ushers in the condition of true peace, harmony among
all life, and free natural abundance as paradise on Earth.
THE TETRONIC AGE is itself emerging to unify and
harmonize the thinking of humankind in the one truth
of true one law. May this, the one law, arise to subjugate
and nullify the disharmony of un-natural and iniquitous
styles of fashion enforced through conditioned regulations.
TETRON, the human mind's consciousness orientation function
of light, is the correction factor eliminating uncertainty about
the one law. Tetron Natural Unified Field Theory was completed
in Santa Barbara from July of 1974 through April of 1977 as an
attempt to put the one law into the mathematical language
of chemistry for the explanation of all physical reality, all
events in nature no matter where and no matter when.
The insight for the conclusion of Tetron Natural Unified
Field Theory came from a walking experience using the
prayer drum of Nipponzan Myohoji.
Nipponzan Myohoji is a religious order of thought founded
many years ago by the most venerable Nichidatsu Fujii to
propagate the power of the word Na Mu Myo Ho Ren Ge Kyo
for the cause of genuine world peace. The prayer drum of
Nipponzan Myohoji was taken up by Mahatma Gandhi for
the success of the non-violent spiritual revolution of thought.
So also have this drum and this word been taken up by others.
The main participants will be marching as Planetary Peace
Pilgrims in training for assignments around the world.
Planetary Peace Pilgrim candidates must be prepared to
offer a total commitment for the entire year of 1983 in
Peace Camp management.
All participants expenses will be paid by producers, but
no earnings. However, job and housing placement will
be available upon completion of commitment time.
Applications and job descriptions are available by mail
from General Agency Services, Message Center 108, at
1810 Cliff Drive, Santa Barbara, California 93109.
As this event moves along the route, daily opportunities
are made available at the Peace Camp Stage for popular
entertainers, speakers, and public personalities to make
presentations in support of the Great Planetary Peace
Coverage of the event is to stimulate stories, songs,
books, photos, radio, television, feature film, audio
and video cassette, and video disc program reproductions.
Production personnel candidates may call General Agency
Services at 805-966-0825, Message Center 108, for application
and production plan.