May5 11-4pm Anisqoyo Time Has Come Festival
Schedule Planning Updates

Global Peace Time Has Come Festival

David Williams, Organizer
#GlobalPeace2021 Events
Time Has Come Festival May5:
11-4pm Isla Vista Anisqoyo Park
TimeHasCome Ceremony May6:
Noon at UCSB Tree of Peace
Conducted by Mayan Calendars Keeper Jose Munoz
Welcome Blessing by Chumash Elder Art Cisneros

Event legal size poster is shown above, letter sized flyer with original wording is at:

The Santa Barbara Peace Pole for Jerusalem has been mentioned in two city Mayoral Proclamations, once before in 1997.

This peace pole will be displayed on Wednesday, May 2, 2018, at the north edge of the Goleta Beach parking lot by the slough just east of the restaurant, inside an unfinished model of the Rainbow Uprising of Consciousness Human Hive experimental tetrahedral geometry meditation lattice configuration which was featured as the centerpiece of the Lucidity Rising Dawn Festival’s Mayan Sixth Sun Sacred Calendar Dream Catcher “Manifestation Station” created by Jose Federico Munoz. He will recreate it for the Standing Rock Medicine Wheel Living Park Summer Solstice Festival, Honoring Our Mother Earth, with HOME Team Support.

Jose is a supporter of the World Peace 2021 Movement and Keeper of the Mayan Sacred Calendars including the Sixth Sun Cosmic Calendar for the next 26,000 years starting December 21, 2012.

For more information:

—-May 5 Poster text:

Tree of The Great Law of Peace
Community Peace Council
Open Public Forum
11am-4pm Saturday, May 5, 2018
Anisqoyo Park Amphitheater
Isla Vista California near UCSB
“Time Has Come Festival”

Peace Music and Speakers, Displays, Workshops.

Introducing New Sixth Sun 26,000 Year Calendar

Known Presenters Include: Luna Black Wolf, Estrella, David Bearman, Christopher Brown, Al Espino, Marc McGinnes, organizer David Williams

Please Offer Support for his Noon May 6th “Time Has Come Ceremony” at the UCSB Tree of Peace (at Storke Tower) conducted by Mayan Time Keeper Jose Federico Munoz, a supporter of the World Peace 2021 Movement using the Sacred Sixth Sun Calendar depicted by the Dream Catcher “Manifestation Station” he set up at the Lucidity Rising Dawn Event and is taking to Standing Rock for Summer Solstice Ceremonies.

——May 5 event flyer text:


UCSB Tree of Peace

(Northwest Corner of Storke Tower)

Time Has Come Ceremony

Conducted by Mayan TimeKeeper Jose Federico Munoz

Noon, Sunday, May 6, 2018

Time for The Great Law of Peace

HULP Great Spirit Relay

Harmony Unity Love Peace

—— May6 event Poster text:

Hopi Declaration of Peace

Time Has Come Ceremony

Noon Sunday May 6, 2018

UCSB Tree of Peace n/w Storke

With new 26,000 year Mayan Sixth Sun Sacred Calendar

Conducted by Mayan Calendars Keeper Jose Federico Munoz using new Mayan Sacred Calendar for the next 26,000 years. Welcoming Blessing by Chumash Elder Art Cisneros

Please Offer Your Support!

Time Has Come Festival
Saturday May 5, 11-4pm
Isla Vista Anisqoyo Park

——Apr30 Press Release:

30Apr2018 Press Release

David Williams 805-708-0252

Time Has Come Festival and Ceremony

UCSB Tree of The Great Law of Peace

Community Peace Council of Santa Barbara

First Open Public Organizing Forum

11am-4pm Saturday May 5th
Isla Vista California near UCSB
Anisqoyo Park Amphitheater
“Time Has Come Festival”

Time Has Come Ceremony
Noon, Sunday, May 6, 2018
UCSB Tree of Peace at Storke Tower

Conducted by Jose Federico Munoz, supporter of the World Peace 2021 Movement, using the new Mayan Sixth Sun Sacred Calendar for the next 26,000 years starting December 21, 2012.

Promoting the Hopi Declaration of Peace

Offering a prototype model of the free and open source Santa Barbara Global Peace Pole, symbolizing The Message of The Great Law of Peace, for ceremonies in Jerusalem and at the White House with the President.

Initiating the 2018 Great Spirit All My Relations Relay, for personal peace of mind through the conscientious practice of universal unconditional love, as the pathway to peace in the family, community, and Peace in the World.


May 5 Festival Schedule Planning Notes:


Working Schedule as of Apr30:

“Time Has Come Festival”

Sat5May -- 11am-4pm

Isla Vista Anisqoyo Park Amphitheater

First Open Public Forum

Organizing the Santa Barbara
Community Peace Council

Uniting the Messages of Peace

“Think Globally, Act Locally”
“Think Locally, Act Globally”

For the Great Spirit Relay to the White House, offering the Global Peace Pole Ceremony for Jerusalem.

Introducing the Mayan Sixth Sun Calendar for the next 26,000 years.

The Great Spirit All My Relations Relay of Personal Peace through the Conscientious Practice of Unconditional Love

The Public is kindly requested to Use Social Media for widespread coverage.

Speakers, New Songs of Peace Through Love, Peacemaker Activists’ Workshop, Peace Party Favors, Trumpeting Water Pipe Practice, Rainbow Peace Braids, Global Peace Batons, a Tetrahedral Human Hive Experiment Prototype Display with the Santa Barbara Peace Pole for Jerusalem prototype,

Known Speakers include:

Estrella, Activist, PeaceMaker

David Bearman MD*, Isla Vista Community Leader

Marc McGinnes, Environment Movement Leader

David Williams, Event Organizer, Scientist

Al Espino, HempWise Activist

Christopher Brown, Constitution Advocate, open forum convener, free speech advocate

Known Peace Songs to be Practiced include:

Santa Barbara Earth Day “Thank You Song”, by and with Marc McGinnes,

“The Rainbow of No Name” and “A Rainbow from the Sun”, by and with David Williams

Information/Vending Booths Welcome, Expected Include:

Hemp to Save the World, by HempWise Isla Vista;

Youngevity Nutrition, Multipure Water, by David Williams;

Working Schedule:

Early Morning after Sunrise drop off Stuff at, and nearby Anisqoyo Stage. Start setting up Stuff before electricity goes on at 10am for sound check.

10am Anisqoyo Stage Goes Live, turn on electric gizmos, internet, video, audio. Test camera angles, sound connections, get layout set for day’s video shoot for a YouTube sequel to its 1990 Rainbow Uprising of Consciousness video online now.

10:45-11am Tenku Drumming ending with Water Pipe Trumpet Sounding. This is the NaMuMyoHoRenGeKyo drumming chanting practice taken up daily by Mahatma Gandhi leading his spiritual political revolution.

Local Drummers Welcome to Come Join, practice the Beat from the Sun.

11am-Noon Opening Ceremony, Flute music by Domanique Luna Blackwolf.

Invocational Messages, Songs, Blessing Prayers, smudging audience.

Noon-3pm Presentations by Estrella, Actvist and Peace Maker, followed by Marc McGinnes, David Williams, Al Espino, Chris Brown, interspersed with playing John Lennon’s Imagine song, announcements, spontaneously moved public comments participants from audience.


Hopi Declaration of Peace;

Mayoral Peace Proclamations of support from four Santa Barbara Mayors from 1997-2018;

*Dr David Bearman’s message for the occasion read in absentia;

Quotes from the writings of Mayan Sacred Calendars Keeper Jose Federico Munoz, supporter of the World Peace 2021 Movement, teaching the cosmic Sixth Sun Calendar for the next 26,000 years;

Quotes from 1990 Rainbow Uprising of Consciousness speakers which included Chumash elders, community leaders, Hopi Thomas Banyacya, and Iroquois Mohawk Chief Jake Swamp of the Tree of Peace Society.

3-4pm Reflections on Messages of the Day, Public Feedback/Opinions


This Event is to Support:

The Great Spirit All My Relations Relay Marathon, Walk and Caravan from Santa Barbara to Atlanta for the July11-Aug30 2018 Peace March to the White House offering the Global Peace Pole Ceremony there and in Jerusalem.

The Noon Sunday May 6, 2018, “Time Has Come Ceremony”
At the UCSB Tree of Peace by Storke Tower conducted by
Mayan TimeKeeper Jose Munoz using 26,000 year calendar.

---- End status of arrangements summary of May1 10:20am

Faithfully Yours,


David Crockett Williams, Jr (III), (805) 708-0252
Santa Barbara Science Center Information Network
Advanced Technologies and Research
133 East De La Guerra #258, Santa Barbara CA 93101

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