Rodef Shalom Eliyahu McLean Jerusalem Peacemaker

Eliyahu McLean and Hajj Ibrahim, foreheads marked with black,
photo in Jerusalem Hebrew language newspaper of 01Apr06

-----Original Message-----
From: Eliyahu McLean
Sent: Thursday, April 06, 2006 3:07 PM
Subject: Sacred Peace Journey to India

Hello friends,

Ibrahim Abuelhawa and I returned recently from a journey to India during the month of February. Everywhere we went there, people could not believe that an Israeli and a Palestinian would travel together. The deep friendship that we showed gave hope that Arabs and Jews can live in peace in the Holy Land.


Ibrahim and I were invited, with 250 tribal leaders and representatives from around the world, to the Second International Conference of Ancient Traditions and Cultures in Jaipur, the capital city of Rajasthan. People came from such places as northeast India, Guatemala, South Africa, Trinidad and Tabago and Poland. See for info:

A parade led by brightly painted elephants welcomed us to Jaipur. In the parade we each walked through the streets wearing our ethnic dress, Ibrahim, a kafiyeh and me, a tallit (prayer shawl) and tefillin. We received a huge welcome from thousands of Indians who lined the streets. There was a lot coverage about Ibrahim and I in the newspapers of Rajasthan that week, one headline read: "The Enemies Hug!"

Every day tribal leaders shared ceremonies from their traditions to celebrate the theme "Spirituality Beyond Religions". Each day dignitaries, like the Chief minister of Rajasthan and Sudarshan, the head of the RSS (Hindu nationalists) came to meet us.

On my 37th birthday, tribal elders formed a circle around me in the morning and gave me a blessing. Later I was asked to lead a Jewish ritual, everyone joined in a dance to welcome the Shekhinah, the divine feminine in Judaism. The ritual and prayers of the Mayan elder from Guatemala impressed everyone.

Ibrahim and I were then invited to speak together about our work for peace to 1800 school children in a school run by Jains with Hindu, Muslim, and Sikh and Jain students. The children sat patiently in perfect rows in the courtyard hanging onto every word.

On our last day in Jaipur, in the town hall some gave final blessing from our tradition. Ibrahim and I went up together, saying don't believe all the bad news, peace in Jerusalem is possible.


After Jaipur, 30 of us went on a tour to the Shabri Kumbh Mela, a tribal Hindu gathering of 800,000 people in the Dangs region of Gujarat. Hindu swamis and sadhus dressed in orange robes and long beards greeted us as brothers. We learned about the tensions in the region, where the Hindus have reacted strongly against the conversions of Hindus to Christianity.

We were invited up onto the stage in front of 70,000 and alongside many of India's top Hindu religious leaders. Ibrahim and I were called up in front of the crowd who proclaimed in unison "Sri Ram, Jai Ram!". As an Arab and Jew together, Ibrahim and I were an example of how "enemies" can come to be as brothers.


After visiting the city of Surat, where I met with local Muslim booksellers, Ibrahim and I stayed with old friend Kokila and her Indian Christian family in a village near Anand. A Catholic priest took us to visit their schools and introduced us to children of all religions, each honoring their own tradition.

The day we spent at Gandhi's ashram in Ahmedabad, the largest city in Gujarat was a highlight. There, the humble spirit of Gandhi is still felt in the way that his home and belongings are modestly displayed.

An important part of our journey was our visit with a Christian woman whose life was shattered after her husband drowned in the Dead Sea during their visit to the Holy Land last summer. Ibrahim arranged to have his body flown back to India. It was healing for this woman that we had come all the way from Jerusalem to console her.


The Art of Living (AOL) held its 25th anniversary celebration in Bangalore with 2 million people coming from all over the world to celebrate, February 17-19. At the AOL ashram, spiritual leader Sri Sri Ravi Shankar walked up to Ibrahim and invited us up onto the main stage at the Jakkur airfield.

Each evening we sat on a stage overlooking 1.5 million people sitting with former prime ministers, Hindu swamis, Jain, Sikh, Bahai, Buddhist as well as Muslim, Christian, and Jewish leaders. We met the directors of AOL centers in Iraq, Iran and Lebanon. On stage 3,000 classical Indian musicians played in unison. Over 20 million people were watching the event live on Indian television.

The most electrifying moment was on the final night when well over 1 million people chanted OM together in a prayer for world peace. Rabbi Avraham Soetendorp from Holland gave the closing blessing.

Later on a tour, at the top of the sacred mountain overlooking the city of Mysore, we met an Indian holy man in a small cave. Swami G works with homeless children in the area. Our group held hands with the swami and said a prayer for inner and outer peace. For more about Swami G¹s work, see:


Last December Ibrahim and I hosted in Jerusalem Bhai Sahib Mohinder Singh Ji, the custodian of the Golden Temple in Amritsar, northern India. So, we could not leave India without making the pilgrimage to the Golden Temple. There the Sikh community welcomed us. The serenity I felt at the Golden Temple reminded me of the feeling of sanctity and beauty that I experience living in Jerusalem.

Last Friday, the main Jerusalem newspaper in Hebrew, Kol Ha Ir, featured an article about the open home of Ibrahim on the Mt. of Olives, highlighting an account of our journey to India.

Shalom, Salaam, Namaste,

Eliyahu McLean,
Rodef Shalom,
Jerusalem Peacemakers

PS Please join me at Elat Chayyim, the Jewish Renewal Spiritual Retreat Center, from July 25th-30th, for a course on Becoming a Jewish Peacebuilder. For more information:

The love Ibrahim shares with Rabbi Menachem Froman shows in this
photo of these two sitting with visiting Bhai Sahib Mohinder Singh Ji,
the custodian of Sikhism's Great Holy Golden Temple in Amritsar

Snapshot and India newspaper, photos of Ibrahim in India February 2006

And here is my response and Invitation to America:

-----Original Message-----
From: David Crockett Williams
Sent: Thursday, April 13, 2006 9:32 PM
To: (Jerusalem) Eliyahu McLean - Jerusalem Peacemakers (; (Jerusalem Mount of Olives) Hajj Ibrahim Abu El-Hawa (; Franci Prowse and Cleve Backster; m MN Kate Parry Star Tribune Reader's Representative (; Istanbullu Aykut (Coordinator - 1st Peace in The Middle East Rainbow Gathering 2006 Turkey 20Mar-13Apr) (; (SC Clemson University Philosophy Professor Todd G. May) (; (South Carolina Clemson University Philosophy & Religion Lecturer Andrew Saldino) (; (South Carolina Clemson University Philosophy Assistant Professor Yanming An) (www.CLEMSON.EDU); (South Carolina Clemson University Philosophy Professor Stuart Silvers) (; (South Carolina Clemson University Religion Professor Nancy A. Hardesty) (; (South Carolina Clemson University Religion Professor Steven Grosby) (
Cc: CA Berkeley - Zev - Jerusalem Camp (; Rabbi Moishe Geller; 'Barry Circle Tillman'; Plunker (Brother Barry Adams - Montana Sociologist) (Rainbow Family Tribe) (; Dr David Leighton MD - Jerusalem Peace Walk Co-Coordinator - Convener Wadi Rum Jordan Global Peace Zone Sacred Circle (; UK London - Paul Robin Denton - Jesus Caravan - European Rainbow Family Focalizer (; UK Brigitte MJ Williams - 2006 Intending Jerusalem Peacewalker - Wadi Rum Jordan Peace Conferee (; FL Eileen Fleming - WAWA (We Are Wide Awake) (Olive Tree Project) ( Jerusalem Peace Walk Co-Coordinator; SD WPPD Wolakota Paulah Horn (Chief Arvol Looking Horse) - (Summer Solstice World Peace Prayer Day Sacred Sites Ceremonies) (; NY Tree of Peace Society - Haudenosaunee Mohawk Nation Chief Jake Swamp - (; Dennis Banks - Sacred Run 2006 SF-DC 11Feb-Apr22 (; NM Pearl and Russell Means - Indigenous Nations Treaty Productions (; Holy Land Nipponzan Myohoji Dojo - Rev. Horikoshi Gyosei (; Nipponzan Myohoji New York Dojo (; Nipponzan Myohoji New York Dojo - Rev. Ishibashi (; 'Nipponzan Myohoji Georgia Atlanta Dojo'; 'Nipponzan Myohoji Takeo Koshikawa'; Office of Tibet NYC; 'Nancy RedHotPR'; Dalai Lama Foundation (; Sai Baba of India - Webmaster - Rita (; Sai Organization Webmaster (; Sai Radio Webmaster (; Brother Garrick Beck - Santa Fe (Sacred Faith) (Rainbow Family Tribe) (; Brother Amazing Aikido Dave Massey (Rainbow Family Tribe) (; Brother Felipe Chavez (Rainbow Family Tribe) - Wolakota Spiritual Practitioner ( (; Brother Bilbo Baggins - Whirled Peas Productions (Rainbow Family Tribe) ( (; Brother Henry The Fiddler; China - Fran Wang (Primary Perception China); China - Zhan Tao PhD - Shandong University President (; President of India Webmaster (; India - Osho International Foundation (; m India - The Other Media - Pragya Vats - Campaigns and Advocacy Desk (; m India - The Other Media - S. Babu Nagappan - Research and Documentation (; m India - The Other Media - Saurabh Bhattacharjee (; m Press Trust of India News Wire (; m Press Israeli Embassy (; Israeli Embassy London (Public Affairs) (; Israeli Knesset - Feedback (; Israeli Prime Minister - English Dept. (; Israeli_Interior_Ministry_Director Mordechay Mordechay (; Israeli_Interior_Ministry_Public_Relations -- Nechama Pluga-Zecharia (; (Iranian Rainbow Family) Priya Love; (Iranian Rainbow Family Webmaster); China Internet Information Center - Editors (; China Internet Information Center (; ChinaToday (; Chinese Consulate General in San Francisco (; Consulate General of The People's Republic of China in Los Angeles (; 'NM Taos - Jeffrey Bullard GPZNOWTAOS Global Peace Walk Co-Coordinator'; CO Denver - Crispin Clarke - Global Peace Walk Project Co-Coordinator (; NM Hopi Dee See Mana (Katherine Cheshire) (
Bcc via MS Fax Console to: National Public Radio (Business Fax);
(FAX) Minneapolis-St. Paul Star Tribune (Business Fax);
Office of White House Chief of Staff Andrew Card (Business Fax)

Subject: Elat Chayyim, the Jewish Renewal Spiritual Retreat FW: Sacred Peace Journey to India

Dear Goodbrother Eliyahu,

Thanks for this wonderful report on your recent trip to India with Hajj Ibrahim as its information brings into perspective much of what Ibrahim's recent short emails and photos have been referencing.

Thank you again for your help and participation to initiate last Christmas the Bethlehem to Jerusalem Interfaith Peace Circle Prayer Pilgrimage, the "impossible peace walk" that your guidance and Dr. David Leighton's commitment helped to manifest as the historic first of what we now plan thrice yearly next coming from sunrise opening circle ceremony again outside Bethlehem's Church of the Nativity this Sunday Easter April 16, if and as it is the Will of The One God and in accord with The One Law of The One God.

I notice your PS entry at the end and wonder if you are coordinating with the Jerusalem Camp at the Rainbow Gathering in USA that ends July 7, in case some of the Jewish folks that they usually bring to Israel afterwards might also participate at/in Elat Chayyim?

"PS Please join me at Elat Chayyim, the Jewish Renewal Spiritual Retreat Center, from July 25th-30th, for a course on Becoming a Jewish Peacebuilder. For more information, see"

I am now trying to find information on logistics and prices etc to similarly charter an airplane to bring the Santa Barbara Rainbow Family Peace Pole for Jerusalem after the USA Rainbow Family Gathering for participation in the August 15 Bethlehem to Jerusalem Peace Pilgrimage, but going by way of England for ceremonies there at the 24th annual European Rainbow Family Gathering that starts July 26. But if our team assembling for this purpose contains Jewish folks who might pay their way to join the earlier flight with Jerusalem Camp folks to Israel then they could participate with Elat Chayyim instead of in England? Zev keeps doubting my sincerity on all this and Robin is waiting for information on charter flights to bring to the folks at the Rainbow Gathering in Turkey now going on neat Bel in Antalya vicinity, ie, the 1st Peace in the Middle East Rainbow Gathering 2006 Turkey.

Have you ever been to the annual USA Rainbow Family Gathering? This year for the first time, we have just received confirmation from Barry Tillman in New York City, a Jewish man who is also a participant in the native American Lakota Sundance ascetic prayer ceremony under the leadership of Lakota Medicine Chief Leonard Crow Dog, that Chief Crow Dog will be participating at this year's USA Rainbow Gathering which will be in the Colorado Rocky Mountains from opening ceremony on Summer Solstice 21Jun06, World Peace and Prayer Day per 10 years of such ceremonies around the world under leadership and ceremonial protocol of his Lakota-Nakota-Dakota Chief Arvol Looking Horse, 19th Generation Keeper of the original Sacred White Buffalo Calf Pipe Bundle.

Your report below about the wonderful reception you and Ibrahim got in India, especially given that brother Ibrahim is an Arab Bedouin Tribal leader by heritage from his grandfather who was written up and photographed in the 1954 National Geographic Magazine at his age of 134, makes me suggest that if possible you and Ibrahim also come to Colorado to join with Chief Crow Dog in the ceremonies and in the Grand Tribal Council of the Global Rainbow Family that will be held daily and is being convened starting morning of July 1 by Rainbow Family Tribe elder and co-initiator Barry "Plunker" Adams, whose leadership Chief Crow Dog will be supporting to help him convene this council for global peace now by recognition of all of humanity as one human family as per the teachings of global spiritual leaders such as His Holiness Dalai Lama, India's Bagawan Swami Sri Sathya Sai Baba, and Hajj Ibrahim Abu El Hawa whom I recognize as the Arab Gandhi of the Mount of Olives and Caliph of Jerusalem Israel; see soon info at:

Please note and try to schedule time to listen to the internet radio program about a most important overlooked item in modern science in this interview with an 82 year old elder US scientist Cleve Backster who is a world polygraph expert and from this technology learned that plants and other organisms react to human thought and emotions even between the mind of the person and that person's own cells in their body removed by great distances from the body still react "non-locally" (faster than the speed of light) per biocommunication and primary perception discoveries he has documented since 1973 and recently independently verified in China where Cleve's work has just been translated into Chinese in book form and DVD video. This means that you and our goodbrother Ibrahim may well be invited to China to discuss how this discoveries of Backster relate to Jewish and Islamic cosmologies, along with native American leaders such as Haudenosaunee Mohawk Chief Jake Swamp, Chief Looking Horse, et al, whose indigenous tribal cosmologies also address this matter per such teachings as the Lakota language prayer Mitakuye Oayasin, "All My Relations" -- ie, how it is that "Everything is Related" -- analogous to the Haudenosaunee teachings about the Torah analog, the inviolably sovereign Great Law of Peace.

All people of all religions, or no religion, will have their minds cleared and moral compasses adjusted for reconciliation in truth of all ways of thinking by simply studying this amazing faculty of all living things, all our relations, “non-local perception.”

Listen to Cleve Backster on the
“News for the Soul Radio Show” with
Nicole Whitney on Saturday, April 15, 2006, at
12 NOON West Coast Time (3PM New York Time)
(9PM London Time, 10PM Jerusalem Time)
News for the Soul
And see the new “Life Changing TV”!!