Three Rhetorical Questions for the US Department of Energy 21Nov13 Edison-Tesla Online Meeting

From: David C Williams
Sent: Wednesday, November 20, 2013 8:59 AM
To: ''; ''
Cc: Foster Gamble - Thrive Movement; Global Breakthrough Energy Movement (GlobalBEM);
Tom Valone - Integrity Research Institute; Gary Vesperman; Mark Ward - BruceDePalma(com) Webmaster;
Tony Craddock - Tom Bearden Webmaster; New Energy Movement; Sunburst Spiritual Community;
Office of His Holiness Dalai Lama - Dharamsala India; Dalai Lama Foundation; Webmaster SathyaSai(org); George Noory - Coast to Coast Radio Network;
Lakota-Dakota-Nakota Chief Arvol Looking Horse - attn: Paulah Horn; Traditional Hopi Nation Elders - Shungopavi Village; Carol Wolman
Subject: DoE Edison-Tesla 21Nov13 Debate Questions

US Department of Energy’s November 21, 2013, Online Edison-Tesla Debate Questions Submission from Santa Barbara California, remembering JFK:

We of the Santa Barbara California Thrive Movement Chapter have three rhetorical questions to pose to the DoE’s recognized energy experts for this Google Hangout session:

1) Isn’t it true that Nikola Tesla not only invented a way to broadcast/transmit electricity without using wires, but also a way to tap into the Earth's rotation and commensurate rotational magnetic field to generate "free" electricity –- (analogous to a macro-scale Faraday "homopolar generator" as independently rediscovered in 1978 by Sai Baba Devotee Bruce DePalma and proven to have incremental “over-unity efficiency” by him, when his tests were witnessed by DoE representatives in 1979 in Santa Barbara, under sponsorship of the Sunburst Community founded by Paramahamsa Yogananda’s disciple Norman Paulsen, where DePalma’s “n-Machine” was referenced by the US Department of Energy in its 1998 CNES [Comprehensive National Energy Strategy] report to Congress and the President as a device to potentially harness the energy field of space itself that DePalma discovered in his previous experiments showing inertial and gravitational mass variations induced by rotation and precession, and where his “n-Machine” was referenced in that CNES as a potential device to harness the theoretical Zero Point Energy Field of the quantum vacuum flux championed by DoE expert Hal Puthoff whose work as a laser physicist documented Uri Geller’s paranormal abilities published in Nature Magazine’s October 17, 1974 issue) -- as discussed in depth at recorded conferences, in so many Youtube videos and in books and articles at such websites as: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ;

2) Isn’t it true that hundreds of such “free energy” technology inventions including and since Tesla’s have been ordered secret by the US Government under dual-use secrecy restrictions because of military applications of this knowledge for advance electromagnetic weaponry so we cannot have these technologies developed for civilian purposes in the absence of a firmly determined and stable global peace because they are ordered secret and the inventors threatened with jail or worse if they do not keep quiet after filing a patent or submitting their research to DoE for analysis, as per example of the work of David Yurth and others on High Density Charge Clusters for radioactivity remediation systems like we need now for Fukushima cleanup where their results were independently validated by Los Alamos National Labs after submission to DoE and who were then threatened with confiscation and imprisonment under FISA if they continued to develop their technology, because government agencies are exempt from the restrictions that would otherwise protect an inventor’s intellectual property, as is discussed about many dozens of such inventors and their inventions including other proven technologies to neutralize radioactive wastes as well as the so-called anti-gravity technologies as discussed in so many videos on Youtube and in articles and links posted at websites like:

3) If either 1) or 2) above is substantially correct, as many millions of Americans following the internet believe, and you tell us otherwise in this session, why should we believe you?

Many Thanks and Much Love for All, Our Prayers are With You,

David Crockett Williams
Global Emergency Alert Response


Addendum: 21Nov13 Gary Vesperman's summary of inventions to neutralize radioactive wastes, submitted to NRC for waste confidence hearings and to DoE on their above referenced Edison-Tesla facebook page.