Daily Sundial
California State University, Northridge
Wednesday, March 20, 2002
Campus Briefs
Ceremony to celebrate Spring Equinox
A ceremony celebrating the literal ringing in of the
Spring Equinox will take place today at 11:16 a.m.
on the lawn south of the Oviatt, between the
Science Building and Sierra Hall. A bell will be
rung commencing the ceremony.
The Spring Equinox marks the first day of spring
when day and night are exactly the same length.
The ringing of the bell denotes a prayer for peace,
and has been a practice of the United Nations since
1971, said David Williams, an American Peace Movement
Brian O'Leary, Jack Herer, and Carol Rosin, peace,
environmental and hemp activists, are scheduled
to attend the ceremony.
"This is a spiritual time for renewal," Williams said.
"A special focus to bring together people's minds
in a natural point in time."
-- Campus briefs compiled by Steve Shenefield
------end announcement/article text from page 3
This article was made into a flyer with text:
Brian O'Leary is a leading scientist-futurist,
speaker and author whose latest book is
entitled, "Re-Inheriting The Earth: Awakening
to Sustainable Solutions and Greater Truths",
info on his message, schedule, books, etc.
Jack Herer is a leading hemp movement and
re-legalization activist, businessman, and author
of the authoritative historical reference book on
cannabis hemp and how it was outlawed in a fraud
on Congress by calling it marijuana.
Carol Rosin is a leading military-intelligence industry
strategist insider coming out strongly for rededication
of space weapons funding towards peaceful purposes
by passage before June 13th of the Space Preservation
Act of 2002, HR 3616
---note, Carol was unable to participate at the last
minute due to her counseling practice but Herer
and O'Leary, activist Sister Somayah from South Central
Los Angeles, Tai Chi Chuan Master Lawrence Karol,
and others did participate resulting in a Sundial
article and photo.