American Peace March General PLAN

23Nov03 Global Peace Sunday

We are The only One who Will make this happen! -- Let's Do It! -- For Global Peace Now!

[This page last updated 22Nov03 11:50amPST]

This American Peace March concept offering is to stimulate use and practice locally everywhere possible of the spiritual peace walk event genre where people are walking as a proclamation of solutions, rather than just protesting problems.

These scheduled regional "Peace Relay Walks" regardless of how the schedule offerings are received and implemented by the local community members, have the purpose to stimulate understanding for future such local events.

Walks as events to promote various ideas, or to protest various problems, have even been used as fundraising and promotional gimmicks for organizations and causes, but the spiritual peace walk is the practice of walking itself as a physical meditation or prayer while walking for self-purification of mind to open higher mental capabilities and focus the power of the human mind thereby on the implementation of the solution(s) in the minds of the walkers, ie, in this case of The American Peace March, giving rise to the true spirit of America in all hearts, the spirit of truth, responsibility, accountability, peace, love, and harmony among all our family of life on Earth, as "All Things Are Related" in the "Oneness" understanding of spirituality which transcends religious, political, economic, intellectual, (ie, all) "doctrines."

The problem with long distance walks, even well intended spritual walks as described above, is that after a while the walkers are seen as separate from the non-walkers, the "hero-admirer syndrome" and the greater this effect is allowed to take place by the walkers "falling for it" and allow themselves to be seen as "heroes" the greater this "bubble head syndrome" becomes, ie, they get "big heads" and people cannot then identify with the peace walk event genre as something they can take on themselves locally in their areas independently of any organizational support or endorsement, ie, as just simply members of our one human family walking as a meditation for solutions to problems, solutions which the walkers otherwise would be able to attract public and media attention to by avoiding the "bubble head syndrome" common to all people who think of themselves "first" as anything other than human beings (job titles, educational degrees, race, "intellectualism", etc).

This is why the American Peace March offering is being initiated as a Peace Relay Walk where nobody has to take the time off from their normal life for a long distance peace walk and risk becoming a victim of the "bubble head syndrome," but rather, everyone may become part of the American Peace March as a Peace Relay Walker in their own daily lives and in short local peace walks with groups of like-minded people in their own areas.

Unless otherwise noted in the schedules offered on these webpages, the GENERAL PLAN, is for main walk events in the various towns and cities to be conducted at "11am" as learned from long experience, the best news media availablity time and the best overall for this kind of fast moving dynamic of planning, and locally coordinating, walk events without centralized "control" or coordination.

In general, City Halls are best main focus because the mayors will be given voice via media coverage onto the world stage to offer their proclamations and messages for sustainable global peace through local community activities of conscience as humankind such as this kind of local peace walk genre event. The local event can be a simple as walking around the block of city hall starting at the appointed time publicized by these schedules, speaking to the news media and people who come, and then go home. An hour time commitment that most people can easily arrange during an early lunch hour etc.

Also this way, once the 11am time and date for main walk event location like city hall is announced, then afterwards local responsible citizens so inclined may "flesh out" the schedule by knowing that the Peace Relay Walkers from out of town, if there are any coming from previous town, will be arriving the day before the scheduled event and planning to end that day's walking at the same location where the 11am next day main event is. In the case of such regional walks, then the Peace Relay Walk moves on towards the next town after that 11am main event.

In the case of locations where there is a college or university on the schedule, the main event may be scheduled similarly for 11am outside the Administration Building where usually there is a flagpole to center the event in respect of the American Flag as an emblematic symbol of the spirit of America. From there at 11am the Peace Relay Walk may take place with local guidance from that gathering to various symbolic locations on campus to bring out the various issues and solutions related to those symbolic locations, eg, science departments to bring out solutions in that area, environmental studies departments to address solutions to problems in those areas, etc.

The main thing is -- once a date and location is set on these webpages, it will not be changed no matter what happens or whomever may or may not be able to come to the main walk event so scheduled. This is important to develop the "integrity" of the walk that it will do what it says in order for the public and news media to be able to take the time to support this kind of event and help bring out its important messages that people locally bring to share at these events.

Of course, the final "what happens" will depend on each location and the dynamics here. While firmly scheduled, in actual practice depending on local dynamics at hand at that time, the events may be expanded depending on local interest and support, from say, an originally scheduled walk around city hall block to a Peace Relay Walk from a nearby symbolic location which arrives at the event site on time, or from the main event location and time the walk may go a short distance with lots of people to another symbolic location not too far from City Hall so folks don't have to deal with it being too much to walk back to their cars afterwards, etc.

Rain or shine, sleet or snow, if the mail must go through, so must global peace now.

See some examples of letters and proclamations of support for another spritual peace walk pedecessor, from city mayors, religious leaders, State governors, etc., that may be presented to your local mayors etc, for inspirations on what they might put in their mayoral proclamations for peace and community that can be presented to the walk and news media at these walk main events, examples at

We are The only One who Will make this happen! -- Let's Do It! -- For Global Peace Now!

Print/copy the basic American Peace March 2003-2004 Peace Relay Walker's
"All in One" Flyer, Poster, Peace Walk Sign, and "Peace Relay Walker ID Card" at

American Peace March GENERAL PLAN

American Peace March 2003-2004 General Information and Philosophy Overview

American Peace March 2003-2004 ROUTES and SCHEDULES Index


American Peace March 2004 from San Francisco 20March to Washington DC 24October

This page will be updated as regularly as possible but the most current info on this fast moving project, this "Blitzfrieden -- Lightning Peace" Campaign, will always be found at the main group list posted before time can be later taken to update these pages, ie -- See Public Archives -- by date and subject from Messages index, or subscribe for the very latest fast breaking information updates at the American Peace March Announcement List Subscribe at list homepage or send email and return confirmation

To help the news media and stimulate interest in this project, if you are a witness to a Peace Relay Walk or Walkers in your area, please send your honest report of what you experienced to the below list where these public "sightings" reports will be openly archived. You do not need to subscribe to the below list to file your "Peace Relay Sightings Reports"so if you see a peace relay walk, send your report so others may benefit from your experience, to where such reports will be publicly archived. You do not need to join that list to post to it, but you may subscribe or view posts at

American Peace March 2004 from San Francisco 20March to Washington DC 24October