A Staggering Start from Washington DC
We are The only One who Will make this happen! -- Let's Do It! -- For Global
Peace Now!
[This page last updated 25Nov03 1:24amPST]
[Washington DC Mayor's office emailed, peace proclamation pending]
23Nov03 Global
Peace Sunday
22Nov03 Open letter to Ted Kennedy on New Energy Sci-Tech
The Red Silk
Road to Peace
Print/copy the basic American Peace March 2003-2004 Peace Relay Walker's
"All in One" Flyer, Poster, Peace Walk Sign, and "Peace Relay Walker ID
Card" at
Peace March 2003-2004 General Information and Philosophy Overview
Peace March 2003-2004 ROUTES and SCHEDULES Index
Below is a first report from DC with compilation from announcement and promotional emails sent to various activists, media, and faxed to Mayors of Washington DC and other cities up the NORTH ROUTE. No word as yet if the mayor will offer a peace message for this walk to carry and publicize. So far mostly just complaints about the length and complexity of such emails, folks too busy, etc. No reports yet on start of North Route Nov.15, 16, 17 scheduled events. WEST ROUTE start scheduled Nov.17 to coincide with new California Governor's inauguration that day REPORT BELOW with two photos from Thomas 17Nov03 of the White House from Peace Park Vigil Signs. We will see how the DC SOUTH ROUTE Start goes at City Hall 11am Saturday Nov.22, letter to Senator Kennedy pending and details posted last night for main events so far along that route especially December 22nd one mile walk from The Carter Center to The King Center in Atlanta where the DALLAS splinter ROUTE heads west.
ROUTE Schedule
ROUTE Schedule
ROUTE Schedule
ROUTE Schedule
Peace March 2004 from San Francisco 20March to Washington DC 24October
From: Ellen et@nucnews.net
To: David Crockett Williams gear2000@lightspeed.net
Cc: Thomas prop1@prop1.org
Subject: report on 11/17
Date: Monday, November 17, 2003 6:22 PM
David, here's Thomas' report on today (see attachments).
(White House & Peace Vigil Signs photo 17Nov03)
(Thomas awaiting walkers and American Flag from President Bush at White House photo 17Nov03)
November 17, 2003, 11am, scheduled take off for the western
Peace March, as visualized by David Crockett Williams.
All morning Thomas awaited the arrival of the Peace Walkers.
The only notable person who showed was the usual mime who
has been performing on the police parking lot, in front of the
White House, which used to be Pennsylvania Ave.
Unfortunately, no Peace Walkers showed up.
Oh yeah -- notwithstanding David's valiant efforts
-- Dubya didn't show up either.
All the same, for what it's worth, Thomas was there.
Blitzfrieden "The Lightning Peace" --- Global Peace Now Campaign
Global Peace Blitz -- November 8-14, 2003 - American Blitzfrienden
Wake up to Global Warming, A Walk to Restore Earth's Balance
Atlanta Peace Pilgrimage to Close the School of Americas
Walk for a New Spring - Hiroshima Flame Walk - Global Peace Walk
Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Emptiness
Wonderful Blessing and Beautiful Relationship
Living in the globe with all our friends.
In chemistry, a "seed crystal" is like the one grain of sugar dropped
into a cooled "supersaturated" solution of too much sugar in the
water for room temperature after heating it and dissolving lots of
sugar in the water when making rock candy. When cooled carefully
and undisturbed in a smooth container, the sugar will stay dissolved
at room temperature until the "seed crystal" of one tiny grain of sugar
is added to offer the crystal matrix form whereupon all the extra sugar
in this supersaturated solution will solidify and crystallize around this
seed crystal's particular crystal lattice matrix form. Today, humanity's
earnest desire for global peace now is like a supersaturated solution
in the mind of humankind. What event will be the "trigger" - ie, the
"seed crystal" to offer the mental matrix form for global peace to
manifest in "solid form"?
This is what the spiritual peace walk genre is all about. Below are
some examples, and inspirations for each person to become the
"seed crystal for global peace now."
American Peace March 2003-2004 Starts Saturday November 15
11:11am departing Washington DC's Mayoral "Citizen Summit III"
to inspire local peace walks in towns across America and specific
regional theme peace walks asap, to organize, network, and prepare
for the American Peace March 2004 from San Francisco March 20
to Washington DC October 24th, 59th anniversary of ratification of
the United Nations Charter to mark the end of the UN International
1995-2004 Decade of The World's Indigenous Peoples and the UN
2000-2004 Decade of Creating a 21st Century Culture of Peace
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/American-Peace-March <-updates
Send your local route ideas to gear2000@lightspeed.net and please
start subject line with your state abbreviated in brackets, eg: [CA]
To give rise to the true spirit of America in all hearts, the spirit of
peace and harmony for all humankind as one family of life on Earth.
A "relay walk for global peace now" carrying the American Flag as
The Emblematic Symbol of The Spirit of America, and handing it
off to next team of relay peace walkers to carry on regional routes
of The American Peace March 2003-2004 beginning with 1st Route
from Washington DC Nov.15, to Baltimore City Hall, to Wilmington
Delaware Rodney Plaza to City Hall, to Philadelphia Independence
Plaza to Constitution Hall to Benjamin Franklin's Grave Nov.23 Sun.
If you will walk a mile as a relay peace walker carrying the American
Flag to bring out the spirit of America in all hearts, and/or if you will
help with networking and coordinating, hosting walkers, etc, in your
area for this "first leg" of the American Peace March 2003-2004,
email your info to gear2000@lightspeed.net and please put at start
of subject line, with a space on each side, the name of your area,
[DC] , [College Park] , [Baltimore] , [Newark] , [Wilmington] , or
[Philadelphia] --- We already know, from Nov.6 reaction of public,
the Wilmington DE Mayor, and the major news media there, that
this walk event, to gather Mayoral Proclamations and Messages
for Global Peace to give city mayors a "voice on the world stage"
for global peace, is a high media interest peace walk project, so
please take it seriously and think of this as like a "two minute drill"
for global peace now, ie, a global emergency alert response that
will give venue and voice to all ideas for solutions to problems.
See http://www.groups.yahoo.com/group/American-Peace-March
"To Carry the Washington DC Mayor's Message for Global Peace"
"When all Americans become as serious about our duty to peace
and harmony among all humankind as Caesar Rodney was about
his duty to cast the decisive vote for American Independence by
his midnight ride of July 1-2, 1776, then we will have global peace"
"Global Peace Now is critical to the survival of the human race.
Global Peace Now is not just an invitation. It is a great cry for us to
open our eyes and ears, to use our heads and hands and create the
kinds of change that will save the planet and all who live and breathe
upon Her." -- Leonard Peltier, Indigenous Spiritual Leader, and the
United States of America Political Prisoner
Please forward this info to your interested contacts now.
Citizen Summit III - Real Challenges. Real Choices.
November 15, 2003, 8 am - 4 pm at the
New Washington Convention Center
801 Mount Vernon Place, NW
Washington, DC 20001
Mayor Anthony A. Williams has rescheduled Citizen Summit III for
Saturday, November 15. This year's summit, hosted by the Executive
Office of Neighborhood Action, will be held at the new Washington
Convention Center. All District residents ages 13 and up are invited
to join Mayor Williams, elected officials, and community leaders from
across the District of Columbia for Citizen Summit III. The summit will
give citizens an opportunity to help shape the policies of the District
government on health care, crime, education, housing, economic
priorities and neighborhood enhancement, as outlined in the "Real
Challenges. Real Choices" Participant Guide.
We look forward to coming together, working together, and succeeding
together at Citizen Summit III, where we can make a difference again!
While webpage is being created to maintain American Peace March
schedulings details, see previous recent posts for The Four Routes
2003 Peace Relay Walking Schedules, and 2004 Schedule for the
Main Route from San Francisco to Washington DC Mar20-Oct.24 at
The basic plan for 2003 is such that no one person need walk a long
way but rather as a peace relay walk, "walk a mile as a prayer for
global peace now" carrying the American Flag as per above message,
and hand off the flag of each route to the next person or group to carry
for their peace relay walk distance, etc. In case of shortage of walker
or timing to make it precisely on time as required for scheduled events
along the walks routes, the flag may be properly folded and carried by
runner(s), bicyclists, or motor vehicle, etc. (even by ufo if you have one)
The First Route is to depart at the conclusion of this Saturday Nov.15
Citizen Summit III convened by the Mayor of Washington DC, from its
venue in Washington DC. The Kucinich for President Campaign is
requested to offer the American Flag for this route to retrace their
Steps for Peace Walk back up same route to Maine tip with full support
of their campaign and volunteers, supporters, etc., as an offering of
goodwill from America to the world. This is the NORTH ROUTE
The Second Route is to depart 11am Nov.17 Monday, the day of
the inauguration of California's new Governor, from Lafayette Park
by the White House from the Peace Park Vigil there since 1981.
President Bush is respectfully invited to offer the American Flag for
this route going straight across America and to Oklahoma City
Murrah Memorial for January 15 ceremony on the way to Sacramento
to ask the blessing of the new Calfornia Governor, to San Francisco
end February 29 all routes joining. This is the WEST ROUTE
The Third Route is to depart Washington DC City Hall 11am Nov.22
Saturday, the 40th anniversary of President John F. Kennedy's demise,
walking to the tip of Florida with splinter route from Atlanta MLK Center
going west through Dallas TX joining with Second Route in OK City.
The American Flag for this route will be welcomed from Senator Ted
Kennedy. This is the SOUTH ROUTE
The Fourth Route is to depart the West Steps of the US Capitol 11am
Sunday November 23, 2003, the 77th birthday of India's contemporary
spiritual teacher Sri Sathya Sai Baba, with the American Flag for this
route offered and carried by his 100 million students worldwide, around
the world to Europe, Jerusalem, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, India,
Nepal, China, North Korea, South Korea, Japan, and to San Francisco
to join end days with other routes walking Feb.26, 27, 28, 29end. This
is the EAST ROUTE of The American Peace March 2003-2004, ie,
The Global Blitzfrieden Route, The Global "Lightning Peace" Route.
It is requested that the first "leg" of each of these Peace Relay Routes
be started with the first Flag Carrier for at least some short ceremonial
distance to be Mr. William Thomas of the White House Peace Park
Proposition One Vigil in respect of his 22year global peace vigil at the
White House with his wonderful friends helping http://www.prop1.org
Peace Through Reason -- 202-682-4282 -- William and Ellen Thomas
If these flags are not offered by those requested, understanding and
responsible American Citizens are requested to provide them as
needed. If these first Four Routes of The American Peace March
to The Four Directions do not start on time as planned, understanding
and responsible American Citizens are requested to implement them
as soon as possible thereafter in an expedited manner for schedule.
Citizen Summit American Peace March Inauguration Appeal
Submitted to Public and Washington DC Mayor to initiate North Route
after Citizen Summit III convened by Honorable Mayor Anthony A. Williams
-- Responsible American Citizens -- November 15, 2003
Uprising The True Spirit of America in All Hearts
For "Global Peace Now!" as The Universal Human Resolve
November 15, 2003
Washington DC Mayor's Citizen Summit Example for America
American City Mayors who follow the example of Washington DC's
Honorable Mayor Anthony A. Williams in convening Citizen Summits
in their cities to give voice to their local responsible American Citizens
will be rewarded by the uprising of the spirit of truth, responsibility,
accountability, peace, love, and harmony among all humanity in all
communities across America, the true spirit of America which mayors
with citizen support may help uprise in the hearts of all humanity for
global peace now among the global community of our human family
of life on this Earth living together as friends of one another and friends
of America.
The activity of conscience as humankind to uplift this true spirit of
American in all hearts is the spiritual peace walk conducted as a
physical offering of mental focus demonstrating what the United Nations
calls for in this first decade of 2000, the Decade of Creating a Culture
of Peace for the 21st Century.
To give voice to responsible American citizens in all communities,
city mayors may be empowered as global spokespeople to give
rise to the true spirit of American Community by asking them to
offer their Mayoral Peace Proclamations and to take lead of local
routes of The American Peace March to inspire humanity to unite
together in this activity of conscience as humankind to give rise to
this true spirit of America in all hearts.
"Dear Mr. Williams, Governor Gray Davis has asked that I respond to
your July 19, 2003, e-mail, regarding the need for the State to explore
potential energy sources that are not derived from the limited fossil
fuels or nuclear energy. It was your wish that these concerns be stated
during the public comment period at a business meeting of the California
Energy Commission." -- William J. Keene, Chairman
California Energy Commission -- excerpt of letter of November 6, 2003
For Global Peace Now as the universal human resolve.
-- text of American Peace March flyer, Peace Relay Walkers "ID Card":
The American Peace March
October 24, 2003 - October 24, 2004
From a Handful of People Praying at The Washington Monument
Symbol of The True Spirit of America
Uprising in All Human Hearts Now!
Relaying Peace & Love
Human Beings Walking Everywhere
Offering understanding of The Spirit of America as the spirit of truth,
responsibility, accountability, peace, love, and harmony among all
humanity as one family of life living on this Earth as friends together.
In respect of the United Nations Organization's designation of
1995-2004 Decade of The World's Indigenous Peoples &
2000 Decade of Creating a 21st Century Culture of Peace
-------end text of generic all-purpose American Peace March flyer and
Peace Relay Walkers "identification card" Statement of Purpose, at
While webpage is being created to maintain American Peace March
schedulings details, see previous recent posts for The Four Routes
2003 Peace Relay Walking Schedules, and 2004 Schedule for the
Main Route from San Francisco to Washington DC Mar20-Oct.24 at
The basic plan for 2003 is such that no one person need walk a long
way but rather as a peace relay walk, "walk a mile as a prayer for
global peace now" carrying the American Flag as per above message,
and hand off the flag of each route to the next person or group to carry
for their peace relay walk distance, etc. In case of shortage of walker
or timing to make it precisely on time as required for scheduled events
along the walks routes, the flag may be properly folded and carried by
runner(s), bicyclists, or motor vehicle, etc. (even by ufo if you have one)
Global Emergency Alert Response
- David Crockett Williams, Jr. (age 58) - 661-822-3309
- Bachelor of Science Chemistry, with honors,
California State University Northridge 1969
- Chartered Life Underwriter, CLU certificate,
The American College, Bryn Mawr PA 1971
- Author, Tetron Natural Unified Field Theory Equations (1974-77)
"Four equations defining: absolute identity, cosmic law,
human relative identity, and the human mind's consciousness
orientation function of light, "Tetron," as simply mathematically
extant consequent to the true nature of light, i.e.,
the corrected value of the C in (E=mC^2)"
- Chemical Physics Theoretician "by default"
- New "Space Energy" Scientist and Technologies Inventor "by intent"
- Tehachapi California Local Co-Coordinator, and Initiator,
The Red Silk Road Global Peace March Project
"To Correct The Mind of Science"
Publicly Offering Advanced Scientific
Intelligence Information to Political Leaders
New "Space Energy" Science and Technologies
To replace nuclear and fossil fuel power.
Science and Technology in Society and Public Policy Group
"For the direct cause of true peace with harmony among
all life and free natural abundance as paradise on Earth"
The Red Silk Road Global Peace March Project
August 24, 2003 - October 31, 2004 - Hasta La Paz Global Ya!
USA, California, Japan, Korea, China, Nepal, India, Pakistan,
Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Jerusalem, Europe, USA, La Paz.
Desde La Paz, Hasta La Paz -- "Si, Se Puede!"
A Columbus Day Offering: "Discover Your Self" 12.Oct.03
"Nuclear Physics and The Consciousness Revolution"
-- "Spirituality is The Highest Form of Politics" --
-- Longest Walk Indigenous Elders' Council 1978,
Message to the United States Government
Please Pardon USA Leonard Peltier
"The know not what they do"
Giving Rise to The True Spirit of America in All Hearts
Laughing Horse Campaigns for a Wonderful Future
For a Culture of Peace & Community