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Thank you for coming to my Story. It is (slowly) growing and changing, hence why I chose to call it "The Never Ending Story".

I can't believe we are now five years into this new century. So much has happened in so few years that I often wonder how its possible that time doesn't become a more harsh critic. Well, I'm now 34. I'm in shock at that. For some reason this particular age really bugged me. I suppose like everyone else that goes through transitions I wonder if this is where I wanted to be at this age. In many ways a big NO, in others..sure, I've done ok for myself :)

I have now returned home after being abroad for 5 years. It has been that long since I left Canada for Oxford, UK. And what a few years it's been. Oxford is one of the most gorgeous of the UK cities I've seen so far, so in that respect I'm very lucky to have lived there. The history, the Colleges, the Cotswolds being so close, all made it a beautiful place to live. But boy did I miss Canada. I found a softball league in Oxford, where I played for 4 seasons. It was one of the few things that kept me pretty sane. I also qualified as a Rugby Coach and a Baseball/Softball coach, so all was not lost.

As anyone who has left their home to move to another knows, it's a difficult thing to do without constantly comparing your new home to your old. Well in my case it proved to be virtually impossible. Being a proud Canadian for 17 years now I've appreciated it in more ways than one. Originally from South Africa I know the difference between a good country and a great one. For many of us "new" Canadians we're so thankful for the chance to have settled in this great country. However enough flag waving, come and and see it for yourself :)

Unfortunately because of this move I've had very little time to update my site. Much to my distress, since it has always been one of my many joys. Since returning home I have found a fantastic job,and re-aquainted myself with all my old friends, which in turn means less time AGAIN for doing my things. This site being one of them, but I promise to come back to it soon :).

I wish you all the very best for 2005, and may this turn out to be the year of fantastic change for us all.

Enjoy Fantasia and please drop me a line sometime!

Please step through Fantasia's looking glass at my collection of Fantasy graphics.

Love and close to being the same. This page is dedicated to the mystery of our heart, romance, poetry and my own insites into love. Dont worry it's better than I'm making it sound.

I even keep an Animal Sancturary...A dedication to the constant struggle for the protection of our wildlife, and the love of those not strong enough to protect themselves.

And the most important reason for any web site, is to promote, inform and share. If only one person understands the Operation Just Cause reason for existance, then I'll feel that all the work I've done here is worth it. Please take a look and help as much as you can for your own country. Canada as well as the United States are supported by a military that we need to be proud of. You may or may not support their actions, or their reasoning, but we need to support our soldiers. And we need to suppor their families. Our fathers, mothers, brothers and sisters have been out there fighting for us. We need to be here fighting for them in return.

Wow!! Broke the 1000 mark...I would just like to thank the little people

Guestbook by GuestWorld

Please feel free to view or sign my book

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Last updated 29th January 2005

Some bits and pieces to end with.

My most favorite cartoon in the world

The most fantastic Dragon artist, Kevin Palivec.