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This site contains the works of the Osiris Productions Design Team, The following are Themes, Visual Styles and Logon Screens in Correlation With Microsoft Windows eXPerience.

If you Have any suggestions, comments, concepts, or ideas you feel would make good themes Logon Screens or Visual Styles or need help with your own Styles, feel free to mail the Osiris Productions Development team

      Themes and Visual Styles


LongHorn 1.0 This Theme was inspired by the LongHorn / Blackcomb Video.  This theme Conveys Shear sleekness, with a smooth Crisp and streamlined Feel.

As you will see from the Preview Pictures, A vertical Taskbar is recommended.





LongHorn 2.0 An upgraded edition to the LongHorn 1.0.  This contains even more smoothness and streamlined effect with a unique Taskbar background, Looks very cool. Most modifications to this are based on a Vertical Taskbar, so for those of you using a Horizontal Taskbar this update may not be required. PREVIEW 1 DOWNLOAD
GoldWater A Nice Smooth Gold Theme, Something Different prior to the Standard Three Microsoft Visual Styles. PREVIEW 1 DOWNLOAD
Blue Lightning A small adaptation to the Metallic Theme {Standard Theme} with a unique blue twist PREVIEW 1 DOWNLOAD


 Logon Screens


Windows.NET This logon Screen goes great with the LongHorn Visual Style and Theme.  It is a simple smooth streamlined Log onscreen with a professional proficiency to it. PREVIEW 1 DOWNLOAD
Professional Theme 1.0 This is a Professional and Visually appealing Skin.  Its simple design schematics replicate a Professional Work Desktop. PREVIEW 1 DOWNLOAD
Biological Theme This theme emanates a sci-fi type Logon Screen, Looks rather cool, best viewed in 1280 * 1024 though. PREVIEW 1 DOWNLOAD